Category: Collaborative Projects

National Museum of Scotland Christmas Activity Sheet Competition

Recently our talented third years have been working on a great professional practice brief with the National Museum of Scotland. The challenge was to design a unique children’s christmas activity that incorporated elements of the museum. It was also important for our students to think practically as the selected design will be produced on a large scale for this years festive season. Here is a small selection of the inventive entries, we look forward to announcing the lucky winner.

Make Your Own Planetarium by Kirsti Beatyman
Make Your Own Planetarium by Kirsti Beatyman
Make Your Own Portrait Christmas Tree Decoration by Lise Bye Kjeldesn
Make Your Own Portrait Christmas Tree Decoration by Lise Bye Kjeldesn
Make Your Own Festive Jungle Mask by Gabrielė Lisauskaitė
Make Your Own Festive Jungle Mask by Gabrielė Lisauskaitė
Make Your Own Christmas Bookmark by Victoria Ball
Make Your Own Christmas Bookmark by Victoria Ball

Fun and Games

Well it has certainly been a playful week in the Illustration Department, as our students worked on the collaborative brief ‘Fun and Games’. On Monday morning our young illustrators were divided into groups of 3 or 4, mixing year groups, interests and characters. The teams set to work designing their own hand crafted games, which were tested in a whole department games session and award ceremony on Friday afternoon. The results were varied, inventive and thoroughly entertaining. We are looking forward to our next collaborative project already.

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Seamonsters of Portobello

Last Friday our department welcomed a group of pupils, teachers, parents and grandparents from Towerbank Primary School. The children from Portobello had been working with our Second Year students and the author Vivian French to create a picture book about a sea monster.

Our students incorporated the children’s drawings into a large book, as well as creating little sea monster books of their own, both of which they presented to the pupils on Friday.

Quite possibly Edinburgh's longest book!
Quite possibly Edinburgh’s longest book!
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Early masterpieces by aspiring young artists.
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Peony and her book, with sea monster cake in the background.

It was fun to have visitors in our department, a big thank you to everyone involved!

Portraits of Italian Cinema

Portraits of Italian Cinema - poster by Anine Boesenberg
Portraits of Italian Cinema – poster by Anine Boesenberg
Ugo Tognazzi my Maria Stoian
Ugo Tognazzi my Maria Stoian
Federico Fellini by Molly Soar
Federico Fellini by Molly Soar
Alida Valli by Peony Gent
Alida Valli by Peony Gent
Lina Wertmuller by Sophie Powell-Hall
Lina Wertmuller by Sophie Powell-Hall
Sophia Loren by Sara Ljeskovac
Sophia Loren by Sara Ljeskovac

If you find yourself all dressed up and with nowhere to go, why not stop by the Filmhouse Bar on Lothian Road to catch “Portraits of Italian Cinema”, a collaboration between the Italian Institute and ECA’s Illustration course. 22 of our students and 6 Italian artists living in Edinburgh produced a selection of portraits of the greatest stars of Italian cinema, including directors, actors and actresses such as Federico Fellini, Sophia Loren, Claudia Cardinale and Toto. A winner will be chosen soon and receive a six month pass for the Filmhouse!

The finished posters look fantastic so go and have a look – the exhibition is running until the 22nd of March.

ECA Illustration takes part in Book Week Scotland

First and Second Year students have been teaming up over the last week to produce small editions of books about Edinburgh’s famous Grassmarket as part of a collaborative book project between the Illustration Students at Edinburgh College of Art and Analogue Books to celebrate Book week Scotland.

Julie from Analogue Books did a splendid job of starting off our students last Wednesday and Thursday by showing them around her shop, and it has been very exciting to see their projects develop from early sketches and location drawings into fully fledged books and zines.

Come along at 2.30pm tomorrow, Friday 29th November for the book launch and students’ presentations in room 2.13 of Evolution House – samples of the books will be on display at Analogue Books from Saturday 30th November until Saturday 7th December. Come and have a look!


Moving Pictures with the Third Years

The Third Year students recently tried their hands at animating with the help of Michael Kirkham. Each of them created work in response to 20 seconds of Chopin’s Polonaise in F Sharp Minor, which was then put together to form ten minutes’ worth of eclectic moving images. Impressive work from our first-time animators!