Welcome to Long Story Short!

Today, the 26th of April, 1st year Illustration students are celebrating the end of their final project, Long Story Short (where they expanded on their story-telling skills and met various professionals), by hosting a pop-up show. Each student has extended their skills and knowledge throughout the course of the year and the results of this …

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Jonathan’s Year so far

This post is a catch up of the various trips, workshops and exhibitions our wonderful head of course. SUMMER The 2017 MA illustration students excelled in an August wood engraving workshop, with fine prints made quickly, using very small woodblocks. This was a table-top two-day workshop, held on the third floor of Evolution House. Students …

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Masters engraving master class

The 2017 MA illustration students excelled in an August wood engraving workshop, with fine prints made quickly, using very small woodblocks. This was a table-top two-day workshop, held on the third floor of Evolution House. Students worked from drawings, from which they engraved images into the end-grain surface of Lemonwood. T. N. Lawrence Carbon Black …

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Another year another fantastic fair. We were absolutely thrilled with how this year went. The fire station was crammed with creatives and attendees every moment. So thank you to all who participated and attended, it was wonderful seeing you all engage with the fair this year in such enthusiastic droves. We had 58 tables with …

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Our first years are currently working on their final project for the semester; narratives inspired by Prof Bill Earnshaw‘s scientific research on cell division. In preparation for his talk our group was given a taste of what it feels like to be working in a real lab, at ASCUS in Summerhall. With the help of James …

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Fruitmarket Bookmarket 2018

This weekend we had the pleasure of having a stall at the Fruitmarket Gallery’s annual Book market. All our students were given the opportunity, if they wished, to display and sell their work at the fair. The public responded great to the student’s work and it was fantastic to see their work outside of the …

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Tunnel Books

Our first years, collaborating with Graphics have been working on a project celebrating the life of the Scottish Author Muriel Sparks. As part of it the wonderful Brigid Collins Taught them how to make Tunnel Books. The students produced some marvels of paper engineering that represented the many facets of the life and work of …

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What’s in store

This week fourth year ECA students Savannah, Poppy, Ellie and Miranda have been busy installing work made by their whole year group in the window of the famous Red Door Gallery on Victoria Street, Edinburgh. Last semester curator and manager of the gallery Nicky Brooks visited the college and set the fourth year students the …

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Bookmarks 2018 open for applications

We are happy to announce that we are now open to table applications for Bookmarks 2018. In its fourth year, BOOKMARKS artists’ bookfair will again provide a stimulating platform for visitors to explore artists’ books and zines made by practitioners from across Scotland and further afield. Exploring the artists’ book in its broadest sense, BOOKMARKS …

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A Poetic End (to semester)

The first years have wrapped up for the semester and produced some stellar work. Here’s hoping they have a restful Holidays; they have thoroughly earned it. Here are some images of their illustrated poetry and comics based upon a painting from the modern art gallery. The poems range from insightful to humorous and some perfectly …

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