The Modernist Venue Poster

This project was inspired by the great collection of posters that emerged from the Modernist era. We asked our first years to promote an event venue in Edinburgh through designing and printing a poster drawing on Modernist principles. Edinburgh is a city full of events including music, theatre, comedy and more. Many historic buildings have been converted …

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Meet the residents: Megan Elizabeth Taylor

Hello there! So this month I began my post as Illustrator in Residence at Edinburgh College of Art. Having graduated two years ago, it still feels a little strange yet wonderful to be in an academic, busy studio environment. So far, I absolutely love it. I have spent the past few weeks getting back into …

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Talk from Lucy Roscoe

This afternoon our students will be enjoying a talk from Edinburgh based illustrator and Illustration tutor, Lucy Roscoe. After graduating in Illustration from Edinburgh College of Art in 2008, and then again after finishing a Masters in 2010, she now works for various clients illustrating books, cards and all kinds of interesting projects, as well as publishing artist’s books …

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Observer Cape Comic Competition

Recently a selection of our talented third year students have entered the Observer Cape Comic Competition. The brief was to create a 4 page comic, with the freedom to base their comics on any theme that our inventive illustrators could imagine. The esteemed judging panel includes Peter Serafinowicz (actor, comedian and writer) Isabel Greenberg (author of The Encyclopedia of Early Earth), Rachel Cooke (The …

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Talk from John Fardell

This afternoon our excited students will be having a talk from cartoonist, illustrator, designer and author John Fardell. John Fardell is the author of three children’s novels, including The Seven Professors of the Far Northand The Secret of the Black Moon Moth.  A regular contributor to Viz (he is the creator of The Modern Parents and The Criticsamongst others), his work has appeared in the Independent, …

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First Year Printing Project

A fresh new group of first year Illustration students have arrived, all of which have just recently moved to Edinburgh and are very keen to explore their new home; and how could one do this better than through a drawing trip? So we set out to discover parts of the city, and our tour took …

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Taiwanese Cooking with Liv Wan!

Do you like food? Illustration? Maybe even books? Yes? Excellent – sharpen your knives and get the pans out, because our 2nd year student Liv Wan is about to publish her first cook book, Home-style Taiwanese Cooking. Liv was born and raised in Taipei where she trained as a chef before moving to Edinburgh, where …

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Last Friday Talk of this year: Simon and Angie Lewin!

We are pleased to welcome Simon and Angie Lewin as part of our Professional Practice Lecture Series, this Friday at 2.30pm. Angie and Simon run St. Jude’s Gallery as well as producing limited print runs of beautiful wallpapers and furnishing fabrics. Angie herself is a talented printmaker, painter and designer. Join us and learn something! …

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Seamonsters of Portobello

Last Friday our department welcomed a group of pupils, teachers, parents and grandparents from Towerbank Primary School. The children from Portobello had been working with our Second Year students and the author Vivian French to create a picture book about a sea monster. Our students incorporated the children’s drawings into a large book, as well …

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