After the Storm

After the Storm is an exhibition of fine furniture constructed from timber from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh windblown during Cyclone Andrea in 2012. Highlighting the beauty of Scottish-grown timber and craftsmanship amongst our Scottish furniture makers, the exhibition also focuses on the restorative and rejuvenating effects of storms in nature and trauma upon the …

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Oban 2016

For the past 5 years the Illustration department has organised a 4 day field trip for its students to Oban, ‘Gateway to the Highlands’. Our annual field trip to Oban has become an opportunity to focus on collecting and recording within one’s immediate surroundings, often with a lasting impact on the way our students approach …

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Unspoken – visual narratives

‘Unspoken’ is a first year Illustration project inspired by the Impressionist Room at the Scottish National Gallery. Students were each assigned a painting from the room and asked to create a three piece sequential, wordless narrative based on their research; this included a detailed study of the artwork on location as well as more background …

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French Film Festival

The French Film Festival poster competition, in collaboration with The French Film Institute, ran again this year with an exhibition held in the Filmhouse’s cafe-bar space. This year is the 70th anniversary of Cannes Film Festival, and so the students were briefed to reimagine one of the iconic posters from the festival. A selection of these …

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Plants of the World

During a recent visit to the Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens our second year students received an introduction to the collections, living (Glass houses), herbarium and library and then were each assigned to a country to explore. The groups then met a taxonomist with specific interest in the country which further inspired their research and exploration of …

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Shaping the View

This November ECA Illustration was delighted to hold the 7th International Illustration Research symposium and to welcome lots of researchers and practitioners to Edinburgh. This year’s event took ‘landscape’ as a starting point, inviting illustrators, mapmakers, printmakers, travelers, tourists, antiquarians, ethnographers and experimental archeologists to share their journeys through Illustration. Speakers at ‘Shaping the View’ …

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Walking the Water of Leith

One of the benefits of living in Edinburgh is that you are never far from nature, a fact which often has a long-lasting impact on our students. In the second week of their studies we took our first years for a long walk along the Water of Leith during which they drew from observation and collected …

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First years’ first exhibition

Earlier this semsester, first year illustration students began studying the work of Modernist designers. Having investigated the Modernist principles and wider socio-political context underpinning poster design by such artists as A.M Cassandre and Alexander Rodchenko, the students have created their own posters promoting event venues across Edinburgh.  Each student chose a different venue and headed …

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Meet the Artists in Residence – Joanna Srokol

I am a passionate textile designer specialising in printed textiles. After graduating from Heriot Watt with a first, I continued my education with Edinburgh College of Art, finishing with a Master of Fine Art degree in Printed Textiles. Since then I have been working on both commercial and personal projects. My practise is driven by dynamic colour, expressive pattern …

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