Author: cpascoe



InResidence is an exhibition produced by the Artists in Residence from the Design School at Edinburgh College of Art. The exhibition runs from 22-28 June 2013 in Evolution House. The exhibition draws together practitioners from Film&TV, Glass, Illustration, Jewellery and Product Design to present a selection of works undertaken during their Residency.

ImageImageAstrid Jaekel

ImageMark Kobine

ImageKasia Matyjaszek

ImageImageCat O’Neil

ImageJames Albon

Degree Show 2013

Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Maisie Shearring

The Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show opened with a bang for another year on Friday.   The Illustration Department is delighted to be showing off creations from 20 Undergraduate designers and 8 Postgraduates from our MFA Programme.

Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Thomas Kindley
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Sophie Cunningham
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Hannah Foley
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Sophie Bryant

Representatives from the industry and the press came along for a Preview on Thursday evening, offering interest and encouragement to all the students as they nervously presented their work.

Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Caroline Halliwell
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Pia Valaer
Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Jode Pankhurst and Tamsin Scott

The Degree is open to the public until 9 June where the public can view and purchase work as well as meet the students. More details on the Degree Show can be found at:

Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Degree Show 2013
Joanna Lisoweic

Success in Macmillan Prize

Congratulations to Holly Sterling for her success in the Macmillan Prize!


We are delighted that her work has been selected as Highly Commended after the Macmillan Prize Judging Day this week.  Holly’s original artwork will now be exhibited in a week-long exhibition at the Foyles Bookshop Gallery, opening with a private view on Saturday 25 May – 31 May.
You can also see Holly’s work as part of the MFA Degree Show at Edinburgh College of Art which runs from 1-9 June 2013.

Collaborative Drawing Project

The Second year illustration students were set the challenge this Semester of constructing and delivering a COLLABORATIVE DRAWING PROJECT or EVENT.

In groups of 3 or 4 they rose to the challenge and the results were as varied as they were interesting. The task also got us thinking more about what collaboration is, and whether sometimes we form collectives rather than actually collaborating….

Some of the drawings presented last week are shown below.

Andrea, George and Michael met at the Central Library and used this as their starting point. From there they chose to follow some of the individuals they met, leading them to another location, this time at random. They continued this, drawing what they found and later amalgamating the drawings into sculptures.


Joe, Claire, Nyree and Sophie created a drawing event in a café. They decided to spend the event drawing one another, and for each portrait set themselves a challenge – for example drawing with their eyes closed, drawing with two hands and playing consequences…with some interesting discoveries along the way!


Alina, Tanya and Kristina went back to their shared Eastern European roots and explored the negative stereotypes and positive memories of each of their homes. This proved to be an emotional drawing experience in many ways! Image

Lizzie, Ruth, Ailsa and Celeste juxtaposed nouns and verbs in their drawing collaboration to produce random stories. They then interacted with one another’s drawings to interesting effect. This proved a fun experience with lots to learn about collaboration for next time. ImageImageImage

School MEals


Second year Illustration students have been working hard this Semester on a collaboration with Dalmeny Primary School, Edinburgh.

Students from ECA visited the students at the primary school and spent time devising a recipe for each other made up of things such as their likes and dislikes, what they would be if they were an animal, what colour would they be….

The result is a fantastic collection of weird and wonderful interpretations these recipes in the form of a most unusual set of plates!





School Meals will be running at South Queensferry Library
9 Shore Road, South Queensferry
Thursday 2 May – Friday 17 May 2013
Mon & Wed 1pm-8pm, Tue, Thurs, Fri, Sat 10am–5pm

Posters of the plates will be on view at:
Waverley Court (courtyard level)
4 East Market Street, Edinburgh
Monday 29 April – Friday 10 May 2013


Our thanks go to Dalmeny Primary School students and staff for their hard work and enthusiasm, and to Jonathan, Vivian, Cate and Kasia from ECA. We are also grateful to South Queensferry Library and the City of Edinburgh Council for exhibiting the works. Well done to Kate Berry for her hard work photographing the plates and producing the posters for Waverley Court.

You’re all just jealous of my jetpack!

Visiting Lecturer Tom Gauld

We were delighted to welcome our final Friday visitor of the year last week when Tom Gauld came to town.


Tom graduated from Edinburgh College of Art and went on to graduate from the Royal College of Art in 2001. He is well known within the industry for sharp humour and quirky characterization.

Tom took students through some of his professional projects, describing his relationship of 8 years with the Guardian newspaper and how he developed as a cartoonist. It was a great insight to hear about his working process and see some extracts from his sketchbook. All the professional wisdom was also interspersed with some visual storytelling to hold our attention – this demonstration of timing and how a narrative can be broken up and paced was extremely valuable!


It was fascinating to hear how he tackles the constraints of working in a confined space for his weekly cartoon, an incredibly short story is needed and the wording needs to be concise and carefully refined. He also talked about developing characters for another weekly contribution to the New York Times, a long thin composition this time presents more challenges.


It was a useful reminder to see some of Tom’s inspirations that creative minds need feeding, he showed some of the image makers, toys and the visual references he uses to forms ideas about robots and imaginary worlds, as well as discussing the literary settings that spark off his ideas.

Tom’s new book ‘You’re all just jealous of my jetpack’ is out now.

Student success in Fledgling Press Competition



Fledgling Press invited the Second year Illustration students once again to design artwork for their upcoming publication ‘The Red Man Turns to Green’ by Dickson Telfer. This collection of contemporary short stories set the students a huge challenge as they battled with how to capture the essence of the book without being too specific to any one story.

The design team struggled to narrow the entries down to a shortlist of 5 and published all the entries on their website:

Well done to the winner of the competition, Rachel Cartwright whose cover design is shown above.