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Speaker: Prof. Vincent Danos, Ecole Normale Paris Title: “Decentralised Finance the Old and the New” Date/Time: 2021/06/17 9:30 Recording: Abstract What is so special about decentralised finance? What kind of assets are traded and what is their fundamental value? What kind of basic financial primitives are available, and can they be combined? We will […]

Our research intern Todd Waugh Ambridge will present the paper Global Optimisation with Constructive Reals at the ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. Abstract—We draw new connections between deterministic, complete, and general global optimisation of continuous functions and a generalised notion of regression, using constructive type theory and computable real numbers. Using this foundation we […]

Data-with-a-hole-in-it: differential operators on data structures Thursday June 3 from 9.30 am This talk is a tutorial on the differential calculus, applied to the algebraic structure of data. Container-like data types can be seen as generalised polynomials over their element types. Differential operators act on those polynomials to give notions of “focus” or “cursor”, splitting […]

2021/05/20 There is a glaring gap in data exploration tools. On the one hand, there are spreadsheets, which are easy to use, but are error-prone and limited. On the other hand, there are programmatic tools, which offer unlimited flexibility, but require expert programming skills. Can we get the best from both worlds and build tools […]

We are delighted to welcome Prof. Glynn Winskel, pioneer of semantics of programming languages and theories of concurrency, to the Programming Languages team as Chief Scientist.

The Lab Workshop will take place on the 14th to 16th of June. If you are a Principal Investigator currently running a project under UoE-Huawei Laboratory Terms and Conditions, please would you update your 6 monthly progress reports. If you have been awarded funding by the Steering Committee but have yet to begin your project, […]

Time: Thursday, 29 April 2021, 9:30 Edinburgh time (UTC+1) Abstract: We’ll tour my Nominal techniques Haskell package, which provides easy access to types and type classes with nominal-style binding. Why do you need this?  Because it lets you program and reason on name-like data (e.g. variable symbols, pointers, links), and binding (e.g. name-binding, hiding, locality) at […]

Huawei Edinburgh Lab June meeting 2021 Please see for abstracts and speaker details.   Monday 14 June UK Time China time Topic/title Speakers 08:00-08:20 15:00-15:20 Informatics welcome, Huawei Welcome, Lab report Jane Hillston (UoE),  Guilei Xie  (Huawei) 08:20-08:35 15:20-15:35 Development of Huawei Research Center in Edinburgh Victor Zhang Xiaofeng  (Huawei) 08:35-08:50 15:35-15:50 Workshop organisation […]

About Huawei Research and Development UK Limited Huawei’s vision is to enhance the lives of humanity and improve the environment by building a fully connected and intelligent world. Huawei has the largest R&D organisation in the world with 80,000 employees in research centres around the globe. In the UK, we already have design centres in […]

The call for proposals for the School of Informatics-Huawei Distinguished Visitor Scheme is now open. The aim of this scheme is to enable internationally renowned academics to visit the School of Informatics. The scheme is generously sponsored by Huawei allows senior academics to conduct research with international peers, in Edinburgh. Typically, visitors will be professors […]


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