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Category: coffee house

Join us at the Huawei Cangjie Talk for an exclusive unveiling of CJ (仓颉 // Cangjie), our cutting-edge general-purpose programming language You will have the opportunity to explore state-of-the-art features, delve into effect handlers and distributed actors, and shape the future of programming! Don’t miss out! Title: The Cangjie Programming Language Speaker: Mario Alvarez Picallo […]

Professor Jon Crowcroft of the University of Cambridge will present for the Bayes Coffee House Future Informatics Talks both in-person and virtually. Below are the talk’s details. Title: Trustworthiness in Systems and Platforms Speaker: Professor Jon Crowcroft When: 09/18(Wed) 12:00-13:00 (UTC+01:00)London Where: Informatics Forum G07 Registration:   External: Meeting ID: 98108233 Passcode: 693876 Abstract: […]

Speaker: Prof. Michel Steuwer                     TU Berlin When: 08/06(Tues) 11:00-12:00 (UTC+01:00)London Where: 4F Bayes Coffee House, Bayes Center External: Meeting ID: 94878201 Passcode: 607542 Registration:   Abstract: Graphics Processing Units (GPU) offer tremendous computational power by following a throughput oriented paradigm where many thousand computational […]

Xing Zhang from the Peking University will give a talk, in person and online, for the Coffee House Tech Talk Series. Details of the talk are below. Speaker: Xing Zhang from Peking University External: Time: 07/23(Tues) 11:00-12:00 (UTC+01:00)London Location: 4F Bayes Coffee House, Bayes Center Meeting ID: 97510312 Passcode: 431967 Registration: Abstract: Bidirectional live programming (BLP) systems allow developers to modify programs by directly […]

Zhiwei Hu and Xiaoqi Han, from Shanxi University will give a talk online, for the Coffee House Tech Talk Series. Details of the talk are below. Title: Knowledge Representation Learning and Editing Speaker: Zhiwei Hu and Xiaoqi Han Time: 06/27(Thur) 12:00-13:00 (UTC+01:00)London Location: 4th floor Bayes Centre Registration: External: Meeting ID: 96307512 Passcode: 407435 […]

Paolo Papotti from EURECOM France will give a talk online, for the Coffee House Tech Talk Series. Details of the talk are below. Title: SQL and Large Language Models: A Marriage Made in Heaven? Speaker: Paolo Papotti Registration: Time: 06/26(Wed) 14:00-15:00 (UTC+01:00)London Internal: External: Meeting ID: 99107536 Passcode: 243546 Abstract: With the rise of pre-trained Large Language Models […]

Antonis Katsarakis from the Huawei will give a talk, in person and online, for the Coffee House Tech Talk Series. Details of the talk are below. Title: Dandelion Hashtable: Beyond Billion In-Memory Requests per Second on a Commodity Server Speaker: Antonis Katsarakis Time: 05/30(Thur) 11:00-11:45 (UTC+01:00)London Registration: External: Meeting ID:98450750 Passcode:314959 Abstract: This paper presents […]

Dr. Shubham Chatterjee from the University of Edinburgh will give a talk, in person and online, for the Coffee House Tech Talk Series. Details of the talk are below. Title: From Generalized to Personalized: Leveraging LLMs for Conversational Search Speaker: Dr. Shubham Chatterjee                      University of […]

Melissa Terras from the University of Edinburgh will give a talk, in person and online, for the Coffee House Tech Talk Series. Details of the talk are below. Title: Creative Informatics: Catalysing Edinburgh’s Creative Community to Innovate with Data Speaker: Melissa Terras                      University of Edinburgh […]

Neel Krishnaswami from the University of Cambridge will give a talk, in person and online, for the Coffee House Tech Talk Series. Details of the talk are below. Title: The Denotational Semantics of Static Single Assignment (SSA) Form Speaker: Neel Krishnaswami Professor of Logic, Semantics and Computation in the department of computer science at the […]


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