One of the key deliverables of our Galleries to Calories (G2C) project is to conduct detailed baseline monitoring of local watercourses.

We’ve been out, rain or shine (or sleet, or snow, or gales…) with colleagues from The University of Edinburgh to take these samples of watercourses local to the Advanced Computing Facility and the mineworkings we’re looking to drill into.

We’re sampling North and South Esk, Bilston Burn, Kill Burn and Glencorse Burn, for a range of measures including conductivity, temperature, alkalinity and pH.

This information feeds into a number of other strands of this project, allowing others to determine the existing temperature profile within the heat geobattery, calibrate numerical models, and reduce uncertainty in the techno-economic analyses.

We were lucky with the weather when we took these photos!


Person taking water samples in Roslin Glen