Patrick Polden Memorial Event: A history of law, courts and judging – Brunel University
9 April 2024, 2-5pm; Reception 5-6.30pm
Your blogger did not know the late Patrick Polden at all well. But no one interested in the history of courts could ignore his work. When I was asked to write a short study of courts and procedure in Scotland and England in the nineteenth century, his work on the English courts was the major source for that. Using it made me appreciate the depth of his knowledge and his ability to explain. I quote below a recent invitation than event to commemorate his life and scholarship:
“This is to invite you to an event to commemorate the life and scholarship of Patrick Polden. Leading legal historians will present new work linked to Professor Polden’s work. His work touched on many topics in legal history that are central to debates about the shape and structure of law today. We hope also to use the occasion to celebrate Professor Polden’s life and his contribution to the legal academy over the years. We have invited a number of his former colleagues and collaborators to present papers and to say a few words at a reception after the workshop.”
Programme of events as follows: –
Beldam Main Room, Ground Floor, Eastern Gateway Building
14:00 – 15:30 Lives, life stories and the law
Judith Bourne (Roehampton University) – title tbc
Ray Cocks (Keele University) – title tbc
Philip Rawlings (Queen Mary University of London/University College London)
“The Founder of the Present State of PERJURY”: William Wreathock (1693-1764) – Lawyer, Robber, Spy
15:30 Coffee
16:00 – 17:00 Law in legal history
Richard Ireland (Aberystwyth University)
On the beauty, and the morality, of Legal History
Michael Lobban (Oxford University)
17:00 – 18:30 Wine Reception
Anne Polden – Thanks
Felicity Kaganas (Brunel University London) – Patrick Polden: A colleague
Keith Smith (Cardiff University) – Patrick Polden: Reflections and toast to Patrick Polden
In order to book your place or should you have any questions about the event please contact