Workshop: “The History of Law and Labour in Scotland”,
19 June 2025, University of Strathclyde
Organised by Professor Rebecca Zahn (University of Strathclyde)
& Dr Alice Krzanich (University of Aberdeen)
Labour law history is an under-researched topic. The existing literature tends to focus on the UK more broadly or on English labour law specifically. Research on Scottish labour law history has been limited. Yet many important labour law cases originated in Scotland and Scotland historically developed a distinct regulatory approach to the work relationship. Scottish labour relations have historically differed from their English counterparts. A better understanding of Scotland’s distinctiveness would result in a more nuanced understanding of the forces that have shaped modern labour law.
Professor Zahn and Dr Krzanich will explore some of these themes during a 1-day workshop to be held at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow on 19 June 2025. They invite abstracts of up to 300 words for those who would like to present a short paper at the workshop. Researchers from any discipline (history, law, etc) are welcome to apply. Abstracts could cover:
- Historical law as it related to a specific trades or types of workers in Scotland.
- Historical law relating to trade unions, factory workers, etc in Scotland.
- The development of the contract of service/employment in Scotland.
- Discussion of significant Scottish cases from employment law history.
Any time period (medieval, early modern, 19th century, 20th century) will be considered.
Please send your abstracts by 5 pm on 31 October 2024 to both organisers: &
This workshop is being generously funded by the Edinburgh Legal Education Trust; the Clark Foundation for Legal Education; Strathclyde Law School; and Aberdeen Law School.