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Eco-translation Network

Eco-translation Network

A network of scholars working on translation, ecology and environment


Selected bibliography on eco-translation, interspecies communication and biosemiosis

Barcz, Anna. 2023. ‘A River Speaks’: Translating Aquatic Voice and Re‑Animation of Fluvial Monstrosities. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica 11: 167-183. Open Access at DOI: 10.24917/23534583.11.10

Barcz, Anna and Michael Cronin. 2023. Eco-Translation and inter-species communication in the Anthropocene. S.E. Wilmer, Audronė Žukauskaitė (eds.) Life in the Posthuman Condition. Critical Responses to the Anthropocene. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Cobley, Paul. 2016. Cultural Implications of Biosemiotics. Berlin: Springer.

Cronin, Michael. 2023. Translation, ecology, and deep time. Beattie, Pamela, et al. Time, Space, Matter in Translation Edited by Pamela Beattie, Simona Bertacco, Tatjana Soldat-Jaffe. Edited by Pamela Beattie et al., Routledge, 2023.

Cronin, Michael. 2022. Babel, je t’aime, moi non plus. Europe, migration, traduction. In Florence Lautel-Ribstein and Olivier Dorlin (eds.) États des lieux de la traductologie dans le monde. Paris: Garnier. 17-30

Cronin, Michael. 2021. From translation zone to sacrifice zone: Minor perspectives on the tradosphere,  Translation in Society 1(1): 1-20.

Cronin, Michael. 2021. Ecology of Translation. In Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.) Handbook of Translation Studies, vol.5, Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 45-51.

Cronin, Michael. 2021. Translation and posthumanism. In Kaisa Koskinen and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Ethics, London: Routledge. 279-296.

Cronin, Michael. 2020. Translation and climate change, in The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Globalization. 85–98.

Cronin, Michael. 2020. Shady dealings. In Federico Italiano (ed.). The Dark Side of Translation. London and New York: Routledge. 95-110.

Cronin, Michael. 2020. Translation, technology and climate change. In Minako O’Hagan (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology, London: Routledge. 516-530

Cronin, Michael. 2019. The (in)humanity of translation. Translation Studies, July: 1-15.

Cronin, Michael. 2019. Eco-Translation. In Kelly Washbourne and Ben Van Wyke (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation, New York: Routledge. 482-494.

Cronin, Michael. 2018. Translation and Climate Justice. In E. Monzó-Nebot and J. Jiménez Salcedo (eds.), Translating and Interpreting Justice in a Postmonolingual Age, Vernon Press.

Cronin, Michael. 2018. Lire les signes: traduction, multilinguisme et les nouveaux régimes d’attention, Écritures, 10: 55-74.

Cronin, Michael. 2017. Eco-translation. Translation and ecology in the age of the Anthropocene. London & New York: Routledge.

Cronin, Michael. 2016. A New Ecology for Translation? Collaboration and Resilience. In Anthony Cordingley and Céline Frigau Manning (eds.) Collaborative Translation: From the Renaissance to the Digital Age, London: Bloomsbury. 233-246.

Dasca, Maria and Rosa Cerarols. 2024. Translation Studies and Ecology : Mapping the Possibilities of a New Emerging Field. Oxford: Taylor & Francis.
Desblache, Lucile. 2022. Music translation and the ‘soft’ bridges of communication. In Yves Gambier (ed.) SLOVO, Baltic Accents 12 (4): 84-98

Desblache, Lucile. 2021. Relating (to) monstrosity and hybridity: translation and interconnectedness in the age of hyperobjects. In C. Nirta and A.Pavoni (eds) Monstrous Ontologies, Delaware: Vernon Press, 31-44.

Desblache, Lucile. 2020. Translation, natural history and music: Thinking communication beyond the verbal. Kristiina Taivalkoski and Bruno Poncharal (eds.) Traduire les voix de la nature/Translating the Voices of Nature. Montréal : Éditions québécoises de l’œuvre. 207-229.

Desblache, Lucile. 2019. Music and the natural world, Coda. In Music and Translation. New Mediations in the Digital Age, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 343-386.

Desblache, Lucile. 2016. Animaux musicaux: apologie pour une histoire naturelle sonore. In A. Romestaing and A.Schaffner (eds), Histoire(s) naturelle(s) des animaux des XXe et XXIe siècles, Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 177-190.

Despret, Vinciane. 2016. What Would Animals Say If We Asked The Right Questions. Trans. by B. Buchanan. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press.

Fraunhofer, Hedwig. 2023. Translating Plants. A starting point. Beattie, Pamela, et al. Time, Space, Matter in Translation Edited by Pamela Beattie, Simona Bertacco, Tatjana Soldat-Jaffe. Routledge.

Harmata-Heinonen, Ritva. 2015. Herding together. On semiotic translational branches, fields and disciplines. Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics 1(2): 39-52.

Maran, Timo. 2020. Ecosemiotics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Maran, Timo. 2021. The Ecosemiosphere is a grounded semiosphere: A Lotmanian conceptualization of cultural-ecological systems. Biosemiotics 14(2): 519–530. DOI:

Marais, Kobus. 2023. Trajectories of translation: The thermodynamics of semiosis. New York: Routledge.

Marais, Kobus. 2021. Tom, Dick and Harry as well as Puss in Boots and Fido are translators: The implications of biosemiotics for translation studies. In Ovidi Carbonelli i Cortés and Esther Monzó Nebot (eds.), Translating Asymmetry/Rewriting Power. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 101-121

Marais, Kobus. 2019. A (Bio)semiotic Theory of Translation the Emergence of Social-Cultural Reality. London and New York: Routledge.

Marais, Kobus. 2017. ‘We have never been un(der)developed’: Translation and the biosemiotic foundation of being in the global south. In Kobus Marais & Ilse Feinauer eds., Translation studies beyond the postcolony. Newcastle: Cambridge University Press. 8-32

Moeller, Nina. 2017. ‘Plants that speak and institutions that don’t listen: Notes on the protection of traditional knowledge’. In M. Pimbert ed. Food Sovereignty, Agroecology and Biocultural Diversity. London: Routledge. 222-253.

Palacios, Manuela. 2022.  A ecopoesía en tradución: Entrevista con Keith Payne. Viceversa 22: 258-265. DOI:  Open access:

Palacios, Manuela. 2019. Migrant Shores: en prol dunha ecoloxía da atención e da tradución. In Olga Castro and Laura Linares (eds.) Galicia21. Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies Issue I: 125-145. Open access:

Petrilli, Susan (ed). 2003. Translation Translation. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Salama-Carr, Myriam. 2021. Negotiating Asymmetry: The Language of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. In Ovidi Carbonell i Cortés and Esther Monzo-Nebot (eds). Translating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 35-54.

Scott, Clive. 2018. ‘Understanding Translation as an Ecopoetic’. In The Work of Literary Translation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 61 – 84.

Sealey, Alison. 2019. Translation: A Biosemiotic/more-than-human perspective. Target : International Journal of Translation Studies 31(3): 305-327.

Sharov, Alexei A. 2022. Biology of translation: The role of agents. In Kobus Marais (ed.) Translation Beyond Translation Studies. London: Bloomsbury. 63–80. doi:10.5040/

Shread, Carolyn. 2023. Ecological Approaches. In The Routledge Handbook of Concepts and Theories of Translation, Kobus Marais and Reine Meylaerts (eds.) London and New York: Routledge. 113-125.

Susam-Saraeva, Şebnem (forthcoming 2024), Dolphin and whale communication in arts and music – Towards a new ethics of translation and representation. In Enza De Francisci and Cristina Marinetti eds. Translation in the Performing Arts. London and New York: Routledge.

Susam-Saraeva, Şebnem. 2022. Retranslating ‘Kara Toprak’. Ecofeminism revisited through a canonical folk song. In Mona Baker (ed.) Unsettling Translation. Studies in Honour of Theo Hermans. London and New York: Routledge. 180-193. Open access at doi: 10.4324/9781003134633-16

Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina and Bruno Poncharal (eds). 2020. Traduire les voix de la nature / Translating the Voices of Nature, Montreal, Vita Traductiva, Editions québecquoises de l’oeuvre.

Todorova, Marija. 2023. The role of translation in environmental protection: An inclusive approach The Translator, doi: 10.1080/13556509.2022.2159282

Van Vuuren, Xany Jansen. 2022. Translation between non-humans and humans. Translation Beyond Translation Studies. Kobus Marais (ed.) London: Bloomsbury Academic. 219-230. doi: 10.5040/

Weisshaupt, Nadja. 2015. Localisation of bird sounds in the German and English versions of Lars Svensson’s Swedish ornithological field guide Fågelguiden. Jostrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation, 24: 230-251.

Wheeler, Wendy. 2016. Expecting the Earth. Life/Culture/Biosemiotics. Chadwell Heath, Lawrence and Wishart.



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