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Arduino code sample

//1. 呼吸灯-》sensor椅子触发-》固定颜色-》场景1灯光关闭,离开触发下一个
#include <FastLED.h>
const int switch_pin[5] = {25,33,32,35,34};
int switch_state[5][5];
// How many leds in your strip?
#define NUM_LEDS 10
// For led chips like WS2812, which have a data line, ground, and power, you just
// need to define DATA_PIN.  For led chipsets that are SPI based (four wires – data, clock,
// ground, and power), like the LPD8806 define both DATA_PIN and CLOCK_PIN
// Clock pin only needed for SPI based chipsets when not using hardware SPI
#define DATA_PIN 12  //需要连接12号引脚,在板子上 你
#define CLOCK_PIN 13
int time_period = 1000; // 1000ms
// 刷新值
#define time_num  30
int led_values[time_num] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1};
// define variables
long duration;
int distance,distance_last;
// define mode array
// 0 is off, 1 is breathe, 2 is specific color
int led_mode[5] = {1,0,0,0,0};
int time_m, time_last;
int time_j = 0;
void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication
  pinMode(25, INPUT);
  pinMode(33, INPUT);
  pinMode(32, INPUT);
  pinMode(35, INPUT);
  pinMode(34, INPUT);
  FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PIN>(leds, NUM_LEDS);  // GRB ordering is assumed
  time_last = time_m;
  time_m = millis();
void loop() {
  // sample
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      switch_state[i][j] = switch_state[i][j+1];
    switch_state[i][4] = digitalRead(switch_pin[i]);
  // when light breath, and button press
  if (led_mode[0] == 1 && switch_state[0][0] == 1 && switch_state[0][1] == 1 && switch_state[0][2] == 1 && switch_state[0][3] == 1 && switch_state[0][4] == 1)
    led_mode[0] = 2;
  else if(led_mode[0] == 2 && switch_state[0][0] == 0 && switch_state[0][1] == 0 && switch_state[0][2] == 0 && switch_state[0][3] == 0 && switch_state[0][4] == 0)
    led_mode[0] = 0;
    led_mode[1] = 1;
  // LED1
  if (led_mode[0] == 0)
    for (int i = 0; i <NUM_LEDS;  i++)
      int r = 0;
      int g = 0;
      int b = 0;
      leds[i] = CRGB(g,b,r);
  else if (led_mode[0] == 1)
    // led on, rgb
    if (millis()-time_m > time_period/time_num)
      time_m = millis();
      time_j += 1;
      if (time_j >= time_num)
        time_j = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i <NUM_LEDS;  i++)
          int r = led_values[time_j]*10;
          int g = led_values[time_j]*10;
          int b = led_values[time_j]*10;
          leds[i] = CRGB(g,b,r);
  else if(led_mode[0] == 2)
    // led specific
    for (int i = 0; i <NUM_LEDS;  i++)
      int r = 10;
      int g = 0;
      int b = 0;
      leds[i] = CRGB(g,b,r);

Game Sound Effect

Dismantling and Return of Equipment

As of April 10, all the dismantling work and equipment return work have been completed. Thanks to all members for their hard work.
The Sound Lab exhibition was evacuated and cleaned up on April 7th, and we restored the sound lab to its original state. But since it was already 6:00 p.m. and the eca central store was closed, we returned the remaining equipment on Monday, April 10th. Special thanks to Xiaotong Huang,  Xiaoyun Wang and Xiya Wang for their help. Four monitors were returned.
The exhibition part of Stage of Life has temporarily come to an end. Next, I will arrange the division of labor and writing of reports, video editing of the entire project for sbumission2.

Exhibition Building for Stage of Life

According to the original plan and the arrangement of Jules, the exhibition we built in the Sound Lab of Alison House from April 5th successfully started a two-hour experience time at 4 pm on April 7th.
Although there were many accidents in the middle, the seven members cooperated with each other and helped complete the construction during the two days of arranging and building the scene. (One of the members is on vacation at home due to the unfortunate case of coronavirus)
Due to the particularity of the exhibition mechanism and experience, only one visitor can be received at a time, so we received a total of about 15 visitors within two hours.
Overall, I think the exhibition was relatively successful, and I am very grateful to every team member and David and Jules for their help.


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