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Preparations for the exhibition

The original intention for the division of the scene was to use curtain fabric or a dark fabric fixed to the ceiling that would hang naturally. However, due to the lack of support from the ceiling, the space was divided up with a baffle and a bookcase instead.

We used scrap paper, paper tubes and red and white paint to create two giant mushrooms, and placed sweets and toys on the table to set the scene for the childhood phase.

Middle-aged video

I am in charge of the production of one of the middle-aged videos.  This stage is a middle-aged man with a successful career.  At this stage, I chose a visual pattern that is constantly flowing and advancing, and a more obvious mature and stable element for the video.  Whiskey shots, people walking, well-dressed businessmen….  The shots are interspersed with abstract, flowing patterns against dark backgrounds.

In the editing process, in order to better guide the visitors and provide them with a more personalized experience, I used more divergent and abstract visual patterns as the main body.  According to the keywords summarized in the previous research, I emphasized the word positive as the main tone of this life stage video.

Preparations for the exhibition

Early preparations:
We have borrowed many items on ECA Bookit that have helped us. During the preparation stage of the exhibition, Xiaoyun, Xiya, and Xiaotong and I moved the display screen from eca, which was of great help to us in the later stage.

When we came to the exhibition space, we spent a lot of time arranging the scenes, including making and collecting some representative items that meet the keywords of the relevant life stages. When we decided to work all night until daytime, the security staff of the teaching building came and ordered us to leave, which greatly disrupted the progress of our exhibition.

In the process of building the scene, it took us a lot of time to cooperate with the software, hardware and the scene, because the scene takes up a lot of space, and we need to use very long wires to connect various parts. The reason for the circuit failure requires countless times to improve the direction of the circuit in order to ensure the stable realization of the final effect. Before this, it took us a long time to weave the scattered threads. This is a brand new experience. During the process of setting up the exhibition, the enthusiasm of the whole team was mobilized. efforts to complete.

During the experiment, due to the limitation of the site, we had to give up many original ideas and improve the original ideas and plans step by step to the current state. In the end, we connected the partitions with the canvas to divide the space, divided the overall space into five parts, and used light strips to guide the movement of visitors. It is worth mentioning that due to the insufficient number of partitions, we had to temporarily borrow two bookcases as supplementary partitions. When there was no way to hold canvases and other hard objects in place, I sewed them together with a needle and thread (didn’t damage anything).

When building the scene, there were so many items that it took us nearly six hours to complete the pre-arrangement of the exhibition. Including wooden boards, tables, monitors, objects hanging from the ceiling, etc., took a lot of energy from the team members. When the exhibition was finally completed immediately, we found that the windows on the wall seriously affected the condition of our space as a dark room, and we had to urgently buy black plastic bags to stick on the windows.

Video of the process:

Pre-exhibition preparation (making the mushroom base) (1)

Pre-exhibition preparation (making the mushroom base) (2)

Pre-exhibition preparation (prepare for wiring)

Pre-exhibition preparation (testing connectivity)

Pre-exhibition preparation (welding lamp strip test) (1)


Middle aged videos-family

I was tasked with creating two videos centred around the middle-aged life stage. Of the three options – success, family, and failure – I was responsible for two: family and loss.

For the family-themed video, I incorporated the following design elements:

  • Warm and inviting tones: To create a cosy and welcoming atmosphere, I utilized warm colours such as orange, yellow, and brown. These colours helped to convey the warmth of the home and instil a sense of comfort and relaxation.
  • Light and airy design elements: I also included design elements that were light and airy, like clouds, birds, and trees. These elements helped to foster a sense of peace and tranquillity.

The second technical study

The main work:
According to the continuous advancement of the concept, we finally decided to screen among different sensors such as buttons, infrared, and M5. In this technical study, we tried to modify the code of different sensor affected parts. Summarize the experience and draw a conclusion: Although the infrared sensor can capture the precise position of the visitor, the light shows a large change. However, in a large space, it is difficult for visitors to accurately align with our sensor, and the instability is too high. It is difficult to ensure the stability of data transmission if the infrared sensor is installed on the wall or on the back of the chair, so we rejected this method.

Then we considered the option of installing buttons on the seats of visitors, but there are three problems that need to be solved: First, the soldered wires are not firm, and frequent movement and pressure may cause problems in the connection between the light strip and the button . Secondly, installing buttons on the seat or on the back of the chair can easily cause discomfort to the visitors. Finally, the pressure that the button can withstand is limited, and repeated heavy pressure may cause damage to the sensor.

Using the M5 sensor is currently the most stable and effective solution after testing. Its disadvantage is that visitors need to shake vigorously or perform large body movements to ensure interaction with the lights. At the same time, the data transmission of Wi-Fi will also have problems from time to time.

In this case, we decided to use the simplest button interaction to ensure the smooth progress of the exhibition. But at the same time, consider adding the M5 sensor to the exhibition to ensure more fun and enhance the interactive experience of visitors.

Questions & Reflections:
Unfortunately, the main reason why the original team’s ideas were difficult to realize was that we did not have a good grasp of technology. While exploring ways to interact, we are also actively looking for ways to embody our most important theme – smell. The difficulty of this problem lies in the synthesis and emission of odors.

Video of the process:

The second technical study (test how the infrared sensor affects the light strip)

The second technical study (try M5sensor in WiFi mode)

The second technical study (try to use different sensors)


First technical study

The main work:
As an art form in the digital age, installation art will combine technical means such as digital programming, art design and computer assistance. Since we are systematically exposed to this type of design for the first time in the interdisciplinary course of DMSP, we do not fully understand the forms that can be taken. After conducting systematic research and initial brainstorming, we asked some students with a background in science and engineering to help us start the initial technical learning.

The content of our first technical research is mainly to study how to realize the direction of the initial group discussion. Leyao Zhang and Jingxian Li of my group are mainly responsible for the realization of specific technologies. We first screened the use of sensors, and tried more possibilities according to the different functions we need. We need the interaction between the experiencer and the sensor to control the intensity and color of the light in the overall environment. The content of the first technical group learning is mainly the assembly of components, testing, and connection with codes.

In this study, we wrote a piece of code that can change the color and brightness of the light strip, but due to technical reasons, it was not successfully connected to the hardware. We decided to try it out by borrowing more materials at school as suggested by Jules and Dave.

During the experiment, we found that due to the limitation of technology and the incomplete concept in the early stage, it was difficult for us to select the sensor. At the same time, because there is no code foundation, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect in a short time. The amount of time we spend on code selection is unimaginable.

Video of the process:

First technical study (trying to run the code)

PERCEPTION: Stage of Life Personal Summary of Xiaotong Huang

About Team Management: in sub2 of dmsp, there were some issues with assigning tasks and roles in the team. The volume of tasks allocated was not balanced and the timeline for the overall progress was stretched too far and the deadline for the submission of each individual work to the team summary was not clear.
Not everyone in the group was actively involved, and I think the level of participation in group discussions and meetings could still be improved.
It was not easy to organise and assign tasks, and this was the first time I had been a manager in a medium-sized organisation with so many people. The quality of management and documentation of the group blog could also be improved.

About the Research and Interviews: After confirming the specific interviews, I acted as an interviewer to a number of citizens of different age groups in Edinburgh. We had different questions for different interviewees and different ways of eliciting them.

About the Interior Design: After deciding on an initial location for the exhibition at Alison House, I started to scout and find a suitable room for our project. After a selection process and consultation with Jules, we decided on sound lab as the final venue for the project.
How do you create a narrative space within an enclosed rectangle as simply as possible? After researching a certain narrative space and combining it with the needs of the project, I used the architectural sketching software Sketchup to build a model of the interior design. It is like a labyrinth that distributes the spaces evenly while guiding the user through each location according to the designer’s plan.

About the Production of the Video: before the perception project started, I had a basic but not much understanding of processing. During the project I came across touch designers and tried to use them for sound visualisation and digital art visualisation, such as importing 3D models into td to create particle effects. Although the 12 videos were not produced by the same person, I exported the visual elements created in td and processing to video as a unified source for all the videos in order to achieve a uniform style. td has many powerful interactive features and there are many ways to interact with it.

About the Life Choice System: In the beginning our goal was to allow visitors to experience the life of an ordinary person, a life journey. This was passive, with the visitor receiving information unilaterally. After several conversations with Dave, we decided to add some interactivity by adding life choices to the whole process. Through different questions and options, different stages of the video and endings are triggered to move forward.
We designed the questions and their corresponding answers in the system through chatgpt and through secondary research on the internet.

About the Set-up: We spent a lot of time setting up the venue and creating props for the set-up, but the result was not ideal. It was my initial idea to create a strong sense of storytelling by stacking a large number of objects together, an approach that is often used in art exhibitions, such as some sculptural installations (e.g. Tanya Schultz, Pip & Pop:

To create the props, we tried to buy materials locally, buy and pick them up for free from ECA’s shops and warehouses, and buy and transfer some materials such as fragrances at low prices from Chinese merchants. However, I ignored the constraints of location, time and money, which later proved to be less simple, straightforward and realistic than using electronic screens for displaying images of the scenes.

About the Whole Project: I thought it was a good idea to include the element of smell in the project, but we overlooked the specificity, instability and low controllability of smell, and the lack of experience in experimenting with and controlling smell, which resulted in a less than ideal final result, and even some deviation from the theme of smell.
The theme of life is meaningful, but we have not explored it in depth, only in terms of ‘valuing life’. Although theoretically it doesn’t matter whether the theme is unique or not, sometimes it is more logical and effective to choose a theme that is relatively specific, starting from small points and issues.
I think we could have done a better job of presenting the theme, extending it, looking for more directions and examples, and experimenting and learning new software, but unfortunately we seem to lack the courage and determination to do so.

Associations between odours and stages of life (Questionnaire)

Hello, thank you for filling out our questionnaire! We the postgraduate student from the University of Edinburgh conduct research on how different odours relate to different life stages. The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and your responses will be confidential. Thank you for participating.


1. When you smell this odour, what age group comes into your mind first? Please select at least one odour for each age group.

Age group: 出生 Born 成年 Eighteen 家庭 Family 暮年 Seniors 死亡 Dying

Odour: 洗衣液 (Laundry detergent) 花香 (Floral scent) 青草 (Grassy aroma) 雨后泥土 (Earthy smell after rain) 糖果 (Candy) 香草 (Vanilla) 蛋糕 (Cake) 奶粉 (Milk powder) 柑橘 (Citrus) 木头 (Wood) 烟熏味 (Smoky) 酒精 (Alcohol) 咖啡味 (Coffee) 汽油味 (Gasoline) 油墨 (Ink) 柴火燃烧 (Burning firewood) 肉桂 (Cinnamon) 八角 (Star anise) 黑胡椒 (Black pepper) 百里香 (Thyme) 皮革 (Leather) 烟草 (Tobacco) 发霉 (Musty) 酸味 (Sour) 茶叶味 (Tea) 药味 (Medicinal) 坚果 (Nuts) 消毒水 (Disinfectant)


2. Can you describe a scent you’ve smelled before? What age group do you think it belongs to?


3.What stage of life do you think you are in?

出生 Born 成年 Eighteen 家庭 Family 暮年 Seniors 死亡 Dying 其他Other

Associations between odours and stages of life

Associations between odours and stages of life


1. Smells like teen spirit: Associations between odours and stages of life – A preliminary study

Food Quality and Preference Volume 59, July 2017, Pages 150-155


Odour samples

For this study seven different odours were selected: fruity-citrus (lemon oil), vanilla (vanillin), floral (linalool), spicy-brown (eugenol), confectionery (isoamyl acetate), green ((E,Z)-nona-2,6-dienal) and nutty (2-methoxy-3-methyl pyrazine). 



The data was obtained from a total of 397 participants.

The participants for this study were recruited from four different age groups: (i) kids 6 to 10 years; (ii) adolescents 11–20 years; (iii) adults 21–65 years; (iv) seniors 65+ years. Total of at least 50 people per age group.(76 kids, 103 adolescents, 163 adults, 55 seniors)


Test procedure

The test procedure the participants were asked to take the sniffing strips out of the covers and to sniff the offered odours. After sniffing, the participants were asked to answer questions on a paper questionnaire, which consisted of the following two parts: 

(i) question for the age-associated assignment: ‘Which age group comes into your mind first, when you smell this odour? Please choose one.’ (kids, adolescents, adults, seniors); 

(ii) questions concerning the liking of the odours and the familiarity with the presented odours. ‘I like the odour.’ (yes/no), and ‘I know the odour.’ (yes/no), followed by a request to describe the odour.




Empty Cell Kids [%] Adolescents [%] Adults [%] Seniors [%] Liking of

odour [%]


rate [%]

Total cohort, N = 379, females, 56.4%, average age 30.5 years
Confectionery 48 23 17 12 74 74
Floral 13 19 40 28 65 59
Fruity-citrus 27 31 27 15 85 85
Green 9 10 37 44 40 61
Nutty 9 11 27 53 19 45
Spicy-brown 19 17 39 25 78 82
Vanilla 42 27 22 9 87 80
Total 24 20 30 26


Relationship between liking and life stage assignment

Participants assigned pleasant smells to the youth and unpleasant smells to the elderly might appear a bit offending, but this matter of fact could have its roots in certain conceptions of the final period of life. The fear or unpopularity of higher age life stage might be a reason for these correlations.


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