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Dave’s Talk_04

Date: 09/03/2023 
Place: ECA West Court


Group:This week we have done a lot of work and make many things specific. As you suggested, we divided into four groups: smell, image, audio, and technology. Each group is responsible for their respective field from start to finish. The smell group is responsible for everything related to smell, including different smells, how to release the smell in the scene we create, and creative ideas  related to smell, memory, and perception and how to implement. The other groups are the same. Each group presents their progress and ideas to everyone every week and we communicate with each other. In addition to dividing into groups, we also conducted online questionaires and offline interviews, interviewing people of different ages and cultures about their views on memory and smell, and drew  conclusions, which may helped us build five scenes of our life stages. We have uploaded the conclusions and videos to the website, that’s really good.

Besides, we have also trying to find a place for our final installation, we went to the fire station the building just next to the main building, and were informed that the building maybe will be closed in the next five years. And we instead we went to alison house, lecture room A whcih in the thrid floor, and the sound lab in the first floor, we found the sound lab is really good is size, xiaotong has wrote the email to book the room, appreciate her.

That’s  all work we have done this week.


After each gorup share there works to the rest of rest. There are many useful points.

1. Know all the required equipment, prepare in advance, and have a backup plan

2. The exhibition week is in the middle of April, from April 3 to April 11, and all fragrances should be prepared in advance. The insurance method is to buy them in town, such as health food shop and alternative medicine shop.

3. What is the logic of light control and how to trigger it with sensors? How many people can you visit at a time? What if a person enters and exits back and forth at the door? The better way is to use time to control, and there is a button for stopping next to it.

4. More interactivity. Pay attention to narrative, and let visitors feel that they can control the scene. When they make a choice, the image, sound and light will change with their choice.

5.Two or three of the five scenes can have more interaction, such as touching, smelling, and controlling music. The rest is not interactive.

6. One computer 2 monitor two different video and make it loop.

7.The more creative way is to put five scenes in the shape of snake or circle.

8.It is also possible to display colors and lights by computer.

9. Micro lab may be the best place for presentation cuz it dosen’t has any light, but make sure to take away anything valuable, there are not a safe place!


Dave’s Talk_03

Date: 04/03/2023 
Place: ECA West Court


Dave suggested that we should clarify the division of labor in the group and make our vague goals concrete. Only by clearly knowing what goals to achieve can we know what tasks to assign and what to learn in each week.

Dave demonstrated a very good example to show us how to get inspiration and apply them to practice. He asked us one by one what smell, image and sound you thought of when you were a child. After asking all the questions, put all the people’s views together, and this becomes our first scene.

Next week’s task is to bring out some specific things, such as the fragrance of grass, the melody of childhood, the sketch of scene layout, and the light of arduino, for discussion and supervision of learning progress.



Group Discussion_03

Date: 04/04/2023 
Place: Online Meeting





Smell: white rabbit milk candy, baby detergent, flower fragrance, grass, soil after rain, candy, flower fragrance, vanilla, cake, milk powder,


Image: hazy dream, amusement park, giant’s world, park


Sound: the melody flows gently and slowly, the sound of the playground, the happy melody, the sound of the music box, and the wind chime




Smell: orange, wood, smoke, alcohol, coffee, gasoline, money (ink), ink,


Image: firelight, white shirt (abstract), graduation ceremony, money, fireworks


Sound: light and soothing, noisy, busy, engine sound,




Smell: firewood burning, rice flavor, meat flavor, cinnamon, anise, black pepper, thyme, leather, tobacco


Image: overcoat, windbreaker, pajamas, fireplace, children’s clothes (put together with adult clothes),


Sound: quarrel, laughter, frying and cooking, creaking of wooden floor, pots and pans




Smell: wood furniture, musty smell, sour smell, tea flavor, coffee flavor, medicine flavor, green grass, nuts,


Image: sunset, old car, crutches, empty, presbyopic glasses, blurred


Sound: the sound of medicine squeezed out of aluminum foil, quiet and empty




Odor: disinfectant, lily,


Image: a burst of black, mirror


Sound: the high-frequency sound of tinnitus, the sound of cardiac arrest

Group Discussion_01

Date: 29/01/2023 
Place: Holyrood 9A (PUB) 
Topic : Explain the time points, group management rules, and brainstorming.
Leyao:Before everything starts, I want to set up rules that everyone can agree on. In this way, we can better cooperate to achieve common goals.

The most important thing in management is time management. Every Thursday is the time for the tutor to check our progress and give us suggestions, so we have to check and determine the questions we want to ask in the group every Tuesday, and revise and improve together. On the basis of Tuesday, two days earlier, that is, Sunday. On this day, everyone has to report their work progress for the week, raise their own difficulties, and adjust the workload in the group in a timely manner. Finally, every Friday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, it is our routine group meeting to arrange and assign weekly tasks.
Leyao:After agreeing on timing, I hope we can agree on direction as well. What are your expectations for this course, and how much energy do you want to put in to complete such a creative work.
Leyao:The next thing is, does anyone know what resources are available to us at the uni, people, equipment, venues, any academic support or help?

1 taste Smell, smell will make people have memories, time, including sound, image, exists in memory,
Spices, placed in test tubes, capture user behavior through infrared, and sound waves, control the switches of different test tubes through sound waves, the switches will extract spices (different degrees), and users will get the exclusive taste of their own behavior.

2. For health problems, use the sound speakers to model the sound of medical treatment and present them in stereo, making people feel anxious and concerned about health problems.

3. Time perception growth: plant growth rings records music, play music with number rings, let people perceive the passage of time

4. With the sound of grass and trees blowing, everyone will spend less time in contact with nature, so that busy people can feel the feeling, sound and taste of nature

4. Perceive the weather and climate. Sunny days are positive and beautiful. On rainy days, the mood will be down. Perceiving a conventionally known weather breaks away from the common definition and simply appreciates rainy days.
5. Pay attention to feasibility and how to combine everyone's majors. Digital sculpture of immersive space (projection/give a medium, visual), cooperate with sound dynamics, make a small room, enter the room, write down feedback, and form a closed loop.

6. Emotion and sound For large-scale installations, music has emotion, express emotion with color, through the combination of sound and color, and then shoot video.

Dave’s Talk_02

Date: 02/02/2023 
Place: ECA West Court
Topic : State four ideas, identify one of them


Dave: Hi, Can you tell me the ideas that you came out?
Leyao:  Yes. Of course. The first is "Smell and Memory". Smell will make people have memories, time, including sound, image, exists in memory,  Spices are placed in test tubes to capture user behavior through infrared, and sound waves are used to control the switches of different test tubes. The switches will extract spices (different degrees), and users will get their own unique taste of behavior.
Leyao : The second one is " health  ", use the sound speakers to model medical sounds and present them in stereo, making people feel anxious and concerned about health problems.
Leyao: The third one is "Digital sculpture" , which focus on "feasibility". Pay attention to feasibility and how to combine everyone's majors.  Digital sculpture of immersive space (projection/give a medium, visually), cooperate with sound dynamics, make a small room, enter the room, write down feedback, and form a closed loop.
Leyao: The last one is "Emotion and sound" . Emotion and sound Large-scale installation, music has emotion, express emotion with color, through the combination of sound and color, and then shoot video.

Dave brainstormed everything, and the storm of imagination shocked everyone present. .he also stopped by and said he was very excited about the theme of the first fragrance because no one had done it before.

Then we conducted a group vote, and at first no one was willing to vote, so the voting was changed to anonymous.

Dave:Free and bold expression of opinions is commendable. It is normal to have conflicts and disagreements in group work and you should try to face them and figure it out.

Finally, we made a conclusion that we choose “smell” as our topic !

Dave’s Talk_01

Date: 27/01/2023 
Place: ECA West Court
Topic : Getting to know each other and warm-up
Jules:Perception between liquid densities Put oil into water, and the oil floats on the water. Compared with a single can of oil and a can of water, people who can look directly at it will make people feel the relationship between oil and water.
Jules:In your mind, how would you describe the passage of time in a day, and how would you express it if it was a hundred years or thousands of years?
Jules: Space? Weather? Light? Shadow? Audio? Color? Combining any two together and comparing them will make people perceive.
Leyao: Decide on a theme, then decide whether it's virtual or real?
ALL : Real one! A physical installation!
JingXian: How about Internal voices inside our Body?
XiaoTong: How about using the tool "Touch Designer"?
Dave: To determine the theme: we should brainstorm Write down something really cool that pops into your head, climate, history....
Dave: There are various forms: video game /website /data visualization/ device or otherwise. The purpose of which is to educate others.
Dave: Let me show your some examples: 
The first one: vodka, speaker, vibration, photos Put the vodka in the speaker, take a picture, use a high-speed camera, and show it. filmed we do not perceive to things, 
The second one : Zoom in rely in on the mater while playing music When amplifying a musical instrument, what happens to the musical instrument, the strings, and the resonance of the cavity? 
The third one: billion og number , what the number mean, we dont understnad , motivation of the money Convert data into graphics that everyone can understand, accounting books, spending plans, this is what you can see.
Someone:We are worried that due to technical reasons, we cannot achieve the effect we want to achieve, so can we first determine the technology to be used, and then decide on the theme
Dave: Realization can be in many forms, first person games, climate change data graphs... But first, open your mind, technology is something that comes later.
Dave:Small tasks, next Thursday, we will discuss the 3-4 ideas you have given, and we need some technical ideas rich in realization, what do you want to express with your work, who are you expressing to, what kind of words do you want to say , what technique do you want to use.
ALL: Thank you ~

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