Learn together
critical pedagogy
creative pedagogy
collaborative learning
learn what pedagogy is
learn how pedagogy is pronounced!
critical reflection
learn, share and practice facilitation skills
engage in our learning
reflect on what we do and how we do what we do
reflect on what kind of learners university infrastructures foster – are we active learners or passive learners?
engage with university infrastructures which are usually behind the scenes for students (and sometimes for staff too!)
meet with other academics involved in these roles and discuss how learning and courses are organised
get bogged down
get up again
challenge each other
look out for each other
care for and about each other
get irritated and frustrated, with each other, about the slow progress, about this, that and the other
speak in turn in circle
speak too much
speak not enough
speak too quietly
learn each other’s names
learn about each other’s talents, skills, passions, idiosyncrasies
work on feeling comfortable together
work on feeling uncomfortable together
not a lot of powerpoint
In the last year
each week a different small team of students and staff met and planned each session
we developed group projects, including interviewing staff about casualisation; learning about permaculture and making a ‘perma-zine’; and created a workshop about critical pedagogy
we did reading on higher education – reflecting on why we do little learning ‘about’ HE even though we are ‘in’ it
we didn’t take a register, but mostly people emailed in if they couldn’t come along
brought in snacks for the break and shared food
had some socials, including an end of year potluck and film
had guest contributions including a workshop on community education; and learned about graphic facilitation to help with our notetaking;
reminisced about the student occupation of the Gordon Aikman Lecture Theatre during the pension strike in 2018, and all the amazing events that took place, and thought about how we could take that energy into our own learning
some of us made a visit to Kings Building to imagine a garden into being
we drew and collaged together – see the zine!
we made minutes of each class and shared them on the wordpress site so we could keep up with what we were doing and share with those who couldn’t come along
some of this worked well, some less so
the course requires staying with the not quite knowing will happen next
what we do next is up to you