Category: Uncategorised
What differentiates digital literacy from digital professionalism? Digital literacy is the how, the basics of learning your A, B, C’s, forming words and sentences, digital professionalism would be the way in which you conduct yourself while using this new found knowledge of words and sentences. Digital literacy has been described as the capabilities of a person […]
I read this article with interest and despair. Digital Transformation in Healthcare in 2024: 7 Key Trends Healthcare as a money-spinner does not sit well with me as someone who has both benefited from and worked within the UK NHS for almost 15 years. I am not naive enough to think that a significant proportion […]
Should medical innovations be regulated, and if so, by whom? The advent of the digital age has afforded multiple opportunities for innovation in clinical education. This has accelerated as a natural consequence of digitization of educational content, and more recently by the opportunities afforded by the enforced need for remote learning. Multiple resources exist and could be […]
Those who can, (should) teach. Born with a digital identity and raised in concert with digital pacifiers, tomorrow’s doctors face new and unprecedented horizons. Will they always exist in the digital world, will the digital crumbs they leave always allow others to find them, anywhere in time or space? Where will their digital selves live? […]
How the advent of social media (with the ability to access information instantly) affects healthcare andragogy is currently unclear. The published literature is sparse and broadly appears to reflect biases in two ways, either reflecting the belief that social media platforms are an undeniable force for good in healthcare education, or that the dangers of […]
The notion of a global digital educational community is an aspirational falsehood that exemplifies the hidden curriculum. The subtext is that knowledge is not power, but that knowledge means money. The digital educational agenda is driven by innovators who have the requisite digital literacy skills, time and financial resources to make things happen. Innovators are […]
So, digital literacy is a given, but can be improved. Sadly there is no wikidigimed…and this may be the fault of poor quality control of content production, storage and interpretation; if being a healthcare professional was easy, everyone would do it, right? Digital professionalism is another beast altogether: how to be professional in a digital […]
This week’s tutorial was a reminder and an opportunity to discuss our assignments. My thoughts have progressed through…– there is an increasing reliance on smartphones for instant information gratification– how do we ensure that what we’re seeing ‘on the hoof’ is relevant to the situation we are in?– the use of software such as UpToDate […]
Due to clinical commitments, I have been unable to attend all tutorial sessions. I am really grateful to my fellow course mates who have attended, as I have found conversations in the tutorials extremely stimulating. I’m circling around the area of digital decision support systems and how they impact deep, transformational learning. I wanted to […]
I’ve had my share of e-learning, through the LMS as well as pre-recorded lectures that have been uploaded to the school’s learning system. I feel that e-learning allows the students to learn at their own time as well as at their own pace, and at the same time, they would be able to repeat the […]
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