To share our ongoing work on the project, test hypotheses, learn more about the work of researchers on taxation and the history of the period we are studying, and compare our findings with other areas or periods, we regularly invite colleagues to join us for a few days of discussion and collaboration. Over the past years (2022-2023), we have had the great pleasure of welcoming the following scholars:

During these visits, colleagues from the University of Edinburgh or close by universities like St Andrews University occasionally join us.

From now on, each visit will be featured in its own dedicated post. For example, read about our meeting with Cecilia Palombo (University of Chicago): HERE


Ḥarīrī, A. & Wāsiṭī, Y. I. M. (1236) The Assemblies of al-Hariri. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified, to 1237] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
