Tag: Astrophysicists
The ICRAR Pawsey Cultural Astronomy Workshop was held in November 2024. Jarita Holbrook facilitated the workshop which included a cultural astronomy ‘hack’ focused on creating a resource of Milky Way Stories from around the world. A Zotero bibliography was created for the project and is freely available: https://www.zotero.org/groups/5727637/icrar_pawsey_2024. Acknowledgements The Pawsey Centre (https://pawsey.org.au/), and the […]
While doing the interviews with astrophysicists and other scientists, they wanted to talk about what was happening to them during the Pandemic. As a result, I have what maybe the first set of interviews with astrophysicists that were collected during the Pandemic. More than half of the 43 scientists interviewed agreed to be features in […]
Welcome to the European Union funded via a Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Individual Fellowship project, ASTROMOVES. PI Jarita Holbrook is located in Science, Technology & Innovation Studies at the University of Edinburgh. ASTROMOVES is a qualitative research project focused on interview based inquiry to explore the lives and careers of astrophysicists after their […]
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