Year: 2024
The ICRAR Pawsey Cultural Astronomy Workshop was held in November 2024. Jarita Holbrook facilitated the workshop which included a cultural astronomy ‘hack’ focused on creating a resource of Milky Way Stories from around the world. A Zotero bibliography was created for the project and is freely available: Acknowledgements The Pawsey Centre (, and the […]
While doing the interviews with astrophysicists and other scientists, they wanted to talk about what was happening to them during the Pandemic. As a result, I have what maybe the first set of interviews with astrophysicists that were collected during the Pandemic. More than half of the 43 scientists interviewed agreed to be features in […]
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the largest radio telescope in the world when it is completed. One of the two cores is based in the Karoo region of South Africa. MeerKAT is what the current functioning core is called, where KAT stands for Karoo Array Telescope. This short 15 minute film was created […]
For the ASTROMOVES project, effort was made to include non-heterosexuals in order to include more gender categories. However, in the end, in order to protect the anonymity of the scientists only three broad gender categories were used: Heterosexual females, heterosexual males and LGBTQIA+ members. Having that third gender category is an achievement for a study […]
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