Guillem Rubio Ramon

From Barcelona. I am a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, sponsored by a Principal’s Career Development Scholarship and under the supervision of Krithika Srinivasan and Hayden Lorimer. My research at the University of Edinburgh explores animal nationalisms in Catalonia and Scotland from an ecological justice perspective. I am also a writing fellow at Sentient Media, where I write about issues related to animal politics and wildlife conservation for different media outlets. I have also previously worked at the Debate Programme at the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB). I earned my BA in Philosophy, with a mention in Applied Philosophy and a Minor in Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (UAB). My MPhil research at the Centre for the Development and the Environment (UiO), supervised by Karen Victoria Lykke Syse, examined the social and political conflicts of various conservation programmes in the Catalan Pyrenees.

You can find more information about myself on my personal webpage.