Celebrating International Non Binary People’s Day and Non Binary Awareness Week

The 8th July marks the beginning of 2024’s Non Binary Awareness Week, a week celebrating and raising awareness of all things Non Binary.

This week culminates in the 14th July which is International Non Binary People’s Day. This day has been celebrated since 2012 when non binary blogger Katje van Loon wrote a post addressing a need for a day that celebrated those that do not fit within the gender binary and suggesting that the 14th July would serve as a good date for this, being that it falls between International Women’s Day and International Men’s Day.

New Pronoun Badges Available Across Campuses

We are pleased to announce that pronoun badges are now available on both our Central and Holyrood campuses! This initiative aims to foster an inclusive environment, particularly supporting LGBTQ+ and trans* inclusivity within our community.

Where to Find the Badges:

  • Central Campus:
    • Main Library (Ground Floor Helpdesk)
    • Centre for Research Collections (Sixth Floor)
  • Holyrood Campus:
    • Campus Reception (Old Nursery Building)
  • Argyle House:
    • Currently holding a box of pronoun badges which will circulate to different site libraries starting mid-July.

Badge Options:

  • She/Her
  • He/Him
  • They/Them

Why Pronoun Badges?

Using pronoun badges is a simple yet impactful way to promote gender inclusivity. Whether through badges, email signatures, or casual conversations, stating your pronouns helps create a more respectful and understanding community. This practice is particularly significant for the inclusion of trans* individuals, who often face challenges around misgendering and lack of recognition.


A heartfelt thank you to Nel Coleman and Lena WÃ¥nggren for their efforts in organizing this initiative. Their commitment to fostering an inclusive environment is truly commendable.

Let’s embrace this opportunity to make our campuses more welcoming and inclusive for everyone.

Feel free to pick up your badge and wear it with pride!