SPN Committee statement regarding the appointment of Simon Fanshawe to Rector of the University of Edinburgh

The Staff Pride Network Committee had a blog here expressing their disappointment and worry about the appointment of the new Rector and the processes that led to this, but the University has required us to remove the blog due to their perception that drawing attention to Simon Fanshawe’s publicly available views on trans people (and our opinions on their potential effects) may run counter to the university’s Dignity and Respect policy. We look forward to an equally robust discussion about whether Fanshawe’s views and actions as Rector are in line with the same Dignity and Respect policy. 

A reminder that we are available on Instagram and Twitter/X as @UoEStaffPride.

University Alumni have also started this petition calling for Simon to be removed as rector which you can sign

Edinburgh University Students Association Sabbatical Officers have also released a statement on this matter

The SPN committee does not condone harassment or the targeting of any individual person. If you independently wish to make comment on this matter, we suggest you to contact the relevant area in the University’s senior management, or organisations who have authored any open letter, and not any individuals named in this response.