Breathing Space: a week on Iona for LGTBQ+ folks and allies

spending time together, exploring their own identities and the Iona Community’s work for social justice.

There’s plenty of time to discover community over meals, to laugh and relax outdoors, to engage in creative activities, to explore this beautiful island with its white sandy beaches and profusion of wildlife, to read or write in the library – or simply be quiet in the peace of the church or the landscape

It would be really helpful to know if there are staff and students who’d like something like that next year – then we can plan to do it for sure. Please feel free to send the info around!






Rev Dr Urzula Glienecke

Associate Chaplain (she/her)


The University of Edinburgh

Chaplaincy Centre

1 Bristo Square

Edinburgh EH8  9AL

Office phone: 0131650 2598

Email: Urzula.Glienecke@ed.ac.uk 


Office days: Tuesday, Thursday 

WAH days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday


For the Listening Service, please contact Listening.Service@ed.ac.uk or call Security on 0131 650 2257 out of hours for emergencies.


For this and other information on the Chaplaincy, please visit our website at https://www.ed.ac.uk/chaplaincy.