Welcome new LGBT+ students: wave for 10 secs
Did you bring home your Rainbow Lanyard? Can you wave to your phone camera for 10 seconds? Could there be anything more important in welcoming new LGBT+ students than seeing LGBT+ people in the new students welcome video?
Vicki.bell@ed.ac.uk via www.wetransfer.com if possible or just share from OneDrive.
Final date for delivery: 24th August
How did this come about? We have people everywhere, as you know, including in University Communications & Marketing. The lovely Vicki had an idea to have some rainbow lanyards on display and include some SPN faces, as part of the multiple videos on screen (a grid) of smiling people waving hi to the new students – mix of students/staff/alumni – and we love it!
It’s not just us. The staff BAME networks and Disabled Staff Network have also been invited to take part. IF they receive more than they need, it won’t go to waste, we can use ours as a backdrop at online Staff Pride Network events to welcome community members and University students.
Do it NOW before you forget!
Best wishes,
Jonathan & Katie
Jonathan MacBride (he/him) & Katie Nicoll Baines (she/her)
Co-Chairs, Staff Pride Network for LGBT+ Colleagues & Allies