Light Experiment in Svalbard


Most of us, as humans inhabiting the world, are lucky enough to get to experience natural light everyday. However, that is not the case for people living in certain areas in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in the Arctic Circle. The lack of daylight can lead to depression and health issues, as Vitamin D is vital for the production of serotonin. Thus, there is a dire need for a long-term solution, may it be artificial.


Philips, the renowned electronics company, came up with a terrific initiative for people living in the Northern Hemisphere. In order to fight off sleep inertia, Philips gave thousands of lamps to the people of Svalbard. The artificial light from the lamp would help them wake up in a healthier not so sudden way, as they would feel the light on them, almost like the sun light, before fully waking up. This experiment increased people’s moods and took away the morning grogginess. Such experiments evoke just how significant light is in our every day life. As an interior designer, people s comfort comes to mind first, thus this experiment shed light on an extremely important matter that I perhaps did not pay that much attention to before: lighting can make or break a space. I have seen so many spaces with huge potential ruined by the misuse of light, or not so well taken care of spaces where the right amount and colour of light changed the space entirely. Light has a direct relation with our mood, therefore, if I want people to want to spend time in an interior I design, I have to figure out a way to use light efficiently. Dim light can either create a relaxing, cozy atmosphere for example, whereas a bright, neon light works well for supermarkets were people need to stay active and alert.

So what makes it such an ingenious product? – First of all It combines advanced ‘sun rising simulation’ light technology with new, personalised sound options, it provides an  easy-to-use navigation panel on the front of the product. There is also a USB port for uploading various sounds or music, thus, one can tailor the wake up ritual to their own preference. This experiment makes it evident how essential light, whether it is natural or artificial, is for all aspects of our life. This product showcases features such as the sunrise simulating process which is adjustable from 20 to 40 minutes, 20 brightness settings, coloured sunrise simulation that goes from red, to orange to yellow and light intensity of  300 Lux.  To conclude, I find it that such a complex product should serve as an example for innovation to other lighting firms, and should hopefully, at one point in the foreseeable future, become a staple.


Sources: fig1: Philips Wake up Light – www.philips.co.uk

fig2: View of Svalbard at night- www.vogue.com


Sources: Zaki, S. (2023) Innovation in lighting & Philips’ strategy Shahid Zaki.

Temp, A. et al. (2017) Well-being at the Polish Polar Station, Svalbard:Adaptation to extreme environments.