Annotated Bibliography- Environmentalism in Architecture

Teymur, N. (1982) Environmental discourse : a critical analysis of ‘environmentalism’ in architecture, planning, design, ecology, social sciences and the media / Necdet Teymur. London: Press. – This complex architectural analysis, published in 1982, is a thought-provoking work that critically examines the concept of “environmentalism” within various fields, including architecture, planning, design, ecology, social sciences, and the media. Teymur dives into the discourse surrounding environmentalism and scrutinizes its application and implications in these diverse disciplines. The book offers an in-depth analysis of how environmental concerns are addressed and understood across these fields, providing valuable insights into the intersection of environmentalism and different areas of study and practice. It’s a significant commentary that encourages readers to think critically about the environmental discourse and its role in shaping these disciplines.

Anon (2008) La ville écologique : contributions pour une architecture durable = The ecological city : contributions for a sustainable architecture / AS Architecture Studio. Bruxelles: Archives d’architecture moderne.-This book, published in 2008 by AS studios, offers valuable insights into sustainable urban design and architecture. The book explores the concept of the ecological city and provides contributions to the field of sustainable architecture. It discusses various aspects of sustainable urban planning, design, and environmental considerations. AS Architecture Studio presents innovative ideas and practical strategies for creating more environmentally friendly and sustainable cities. This book is a resource for architects, urban planners, and anyone interested in the intersection of architecture and ecological urban development, offering ideas and solutions to address environmental challenges in urban areas.

Barber, D. (2016) A House in the Sun: Modern Architecture and Solar Energy in the Cold War. [Online]. New York: Oxford University Press.- In this book, Barber explores the intersection of modern architecture, solar energy, and the political context of the Cold War. The book showcases the design and development of solar-powered homes and buildings during the mid-20th century, highlighting how architectural innovations were influenced by both technological advancements and political ideologies. Barber discusses the role of architects and engineers in the promotion of solar energy, the challenges they faced, and the broader social and political implications of using renewable energy sources in architectural design. This book provides valuable historical insights into the relationship between architecture, technology, and environmental considerations during a significant period in history.

Steemers, K. & Steane, M. A. (2004) Environmental diversity in architecture / edited by Koen Steemers and Mary Ann Steane. London ;: Spon Press.- This book is a deep dive into  the concept of environmental diversity in architectural design. The importance of incorporating diverse environmental considerations into the design and planning of buildings and spaces is greatly emphasised in a light that entails the utmost importance of this topic. It offers insights into how architects can create environments that respond to a wide range of environmental factors, including climate, energy efficiency, and sustainability. The book features contributions from various experts in the field, making it a valuable resource for architects, designers, and researchers interested in the intersection of architecture and the natural environment. It encourages a holistic and adaptable approach to architectural design, considering the diversity of environmental challenges and opportunities.

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