Week 10 improvements on collage story board

This is a short story that happened during a run. The first picture shows me running while listening to music and running until I saw a dog on the side of the road wondering what was waiting. He saw me coming and ran to my feet like he was asking for help, I followed him and ran ahead.

The third one shows me and the dog on the road when I saw a cat trying to hurt Checker and this dog protected the pigeon with a bark. I continued to follow him and he sniffed around as if he had picked up his owner’s scent and we followed the scent all the way to the front.

The fourth picture shows the dog spotting some footsteps, the very marks left by his owner. The footprints and the scent left behind keep us moving forward in our search. The sixth shows me following him to finally find the owner of the scent and footprints, it turns out that he is a guide dog and that is why he is so desperate to find help.


I used photos taken during the run in my storyboard and I drew my own images using the minimalist abstract style of Oche Okeke. The movements and sounds of the characters and animals I used scores to represent.

Photos I took used in the storyboard








The improvements on week 11

The plot of the story remains the same, but to make the elements of each story version more coherent, I have added some symbolic elements to represent the surroundings and removed some photos to make the story clearer.