Week 5 Post-Human

In WEEK 5, my group and I worked on litchen, a diagram showing the evolution from plant to socre. We created models from the litchen scores we drew, using rhino, and in task 2 we combined the shapes of butterflies to create a score.

Task 1

Through the symbolic study of lichen, we change it from the diffuse coil to a compact coil. We want lichen and butterflies to combine with each other. Through the study of butterfly state and lichen’s symbolic form, the final butterfly model is produced, and we create an impression model.


By drawing the notation of a cluster of lichen alone and combining the notation of two clusters of lichen, we found that the cluster of lichen was very similar to the butterflies gathered together. So we decided to make a butterfly model





We move from a compact group of butterflies to more groups of butterflies, the similarities between the two groups can be felt when the models of lichen and butterfly are put together





Single butterfly form we created on Rhino and groups of butterflies with different colours.

This is the final rendering!

Task 2

We wanted to represent the form of the butterfly on the road. It’s not just the form, of course, but every moment on the route, including the sound of the wind, the view of the dogs running, the dead leaves falling on the road, and the many concrete pits.

These is the sketches of our idea,the three of us each completed our own sections, with thin lines representing the paths and we used leaves printed on paper to represent the fallen leaves we saw on the paths. The wavy lines represent the wind。

Recording of Group work