Snakes and Others

Nina Katchadourian’s project named Animal Crossdressing originates from her observations of snakes in Zoo in Port of Spain. During her visits, she was allowed to witness the feeding of those snakes. As it is known, snakes feeds on animals smaller than themselves by swallowing them whole. Katchadourian cannot help feel compassion with numerous mice, rats, guinea pigs, and even rabbits that were brought in, unable to escape their fate.
She started to think of ways how a prey animal could escape. Maybe it could disguise itself as a snake.
Kartchadourian chooses the same types of synthetic materials, that are normally used for purpose of traditional carnivals. Her crossdressed animals confuse mouse with snake and the snake is placed inside of unzipped mice costume. The snake was swallowed whole by the rat, and now is part of the rat’s intestines while possibly digesting a rat inside its own body. A picture that can claim to swallow the whole eternity. Snakes and rats are bitting its tails…




