Forms and Facet Research

I first started off my research on forms and facets about crystal forms which I took images from the internet. I used the images as a starting point to put together shapes that I could use to create different vessels. I have done some sketches of shapes that I took from the image using different medium e.g. water colour pens, watercolour paints, pencils, coloured pencils. I took the shape of the third image with the broken crystals that I then recreated with plasticine before overlapping some of them. The 3D drawings could have been drawn more 3-dimensional. I could have used CAD to draw in 3D then use tracing paper to trace which would make it more realistic and use the media to make the drawing 3D.

This is my observational drawings from my photographs of crystals. I feel that I could have added more detail into my drawings.

I then went online to have a look at some crystals which I Bought. It gave me a good idea on how to incorporate the shapes of the crystals so that I can use the shapes to create realistic looking vessels in CAD that look like my research. I took some pictures of the crystals in different layouts which I would then trace the images in Rhino for the vessels. I made some 3D models of crystal like forms and Geometric shapes.


I redrew two of my 3D objects using thicker card and used double sided tape to stick the sides together instead of glue which seemed to work well until it started to stop sticking.