After seeing this toothbrush on the floor on a walk I got thinking about how toothbrushes are short term and somewhat disposable. I drew a sketch of a frayed used toothbrush.


This gave me the idea to look at the lifecycle and lifespan of a toothbrush, upon research this has a lot to do with the environment and plastic pollution especially in the ocean.

Plastic toothbrushes, when they are disposed of, take 1000 years to disintegrate and only last from 3 to 4 months when in use.

When out to buy a new toothbrush I was made aware of the new Bamboo toothbrushes that big brands such as Colgate have been producing since 2019, bringing back the bamboo that was used before when I researched the evolution of a toothbrush.

I researched the lifecycle and found a contradictory Prezzi presentation which explains toothbrushes to be ‘easy on the environment’ due to companies recycling schemes put in place. This is another interesting article which walks through the lifecycle of a toothbrush, giving a contrasting overview than the presentation.