Week 3: Rectilinear Volumes II

For week 3, we had to create rectilinear compositions again, this time with plastic. I created 3 different compositions consisting of cubes and cuboids. The most challenging part for me was definitely looking for sources of plastic to begin with, since plastic isn’t as easily accessible when compared to paper or cardboard. I ended up creating cubes and cuboids out of plastic from steak packaging, meaning I had limited resources and had to come up with unique volumes while keeping size limitation in mind.

We also learned how to create rotated plan perspective sketches this week, where we had to draw sketches for a house and one of our rectilinear volumes. The house was easy to sketch due to its simple shape, however the rectilinear volume proved to be a challenge due to its more complex shape, which I had to redo multiple times for the final sketch to actually somewhat resemble the rectilinear volume.

Another task this week was to draw cubes using two-point and three-point perspective. This was fun to do as I have done this before in high school. It was a bit hard to get the exact cube shape right instead of drawing cuboids, but I got the hang of it after a while. Overall, this was a great exercise as it let me see how cubes would look like and be drawn from different perspectives,