
Week 4: Linear to Physical

One of the tasks this week was to create a light-basket. I chose rattan cane as my choice of material as I wanted to try making an actual mini-basket with materials that I have yet to explore. Admittedly, the process was much harder than I expected, especially with creating the rim, where I had to […]

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Week 3: Rectilinear Volumes II

For week 3, we had to create rectilinear compositions again, this time with plastic. I created 3 different compositions consisting of cubes and cuboids. The most challenging part for me was definitely looking for sources of plastic to begin with, since plastic isn’t as easily accessible when compared to paper or cardboard. I ended up […]

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Week 2: Rectilinear Volumes I

In week 2, we had to create rectilinear compositions with different materials ranging from paper to cardboard to mountboard. I created 6 different compositions, mainly out of cubes. Though there is less variation, I was able to play around with different sizes of the cubes and cuboids, how they interact with each other and how […]

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