Circles, Spirals And Irregular Surfaces – ILA 8 : Sketching Pages


For the first ILA this week, I did 4 pages sketching with circles.

I started with more simple sketches, just to practice drawing my circles in (and out) of perspective properly, and I was then able to have more fun with it, creating different 3D shapes, and some more abstract 3D or 2D circle constructions.

I also tried to work a bit with spheres, as they are still a bit confusing to me, but I think I’m getting the hang of them, and drawing them with different sections cut out really helped me have a better understanding of them as a 3D form when drawn in 2D.

This was once again great practice, and once again I feel it definitely helped me improve drawing circles and ellipses.

For the second ILA, I made pages sketching with spirals, and irregular surfaces.

The spirals type sketches were a bit challenging at first, but they were mainly really interesting in that they show how to create a shape without actually having the shape there in the end, which can be useful.

The irregular surfaces helped me start practicing with the grid method for the drawing challenge, which was good because I never had used this method.

I also used the fourth page as an opportunity to further explore one of the activities we did last class, where we had to start with a curved line, and transform it into a cone or cylindrical type shape. I find this technique really fun, and it might be very useful for example if having to draw something fabric related.

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