ILA 5 : Short Reflection

Firstly, this course has been great in that it has challenged me to draw more, teaching me new techniques like the rotated plan method, helping me improve on others like perspective drawing or practicing some more familiar ones like orthographic projections.

I think throughout the years I’ve attempted to find my style in a sense when it comes to drawing and design, and though that’s good maybe it means some time I don’t try things and step out of my comfort zone quite as much as I could and maybe should to improve.

And when it comes to connecting 2D and 3D, something I have to do is plan more by sketching and writing out, rather than just planning in my head. Beyond maybe improving my ideas, it could also improve my understanding of the connections between 2D and 3D.

So overall I’m happy with my work, and I think I’ve already improved a lot, but my main goal for the rest of the semester is to take more risks and in that process to be less scared of making something that “looks bad”, and be more free in my work.