Overall reflection

According to the study of this course for the whole semester, I engage with different drawing technique and get myself familiar with 2D to 3D design skills. From the first exercise of turning a plane surface to boxes and combining the shapes, creating models and view from different angle. After that it was my first time to tried lots of drawing methods such as orthographic, rotated plan or subtractive drawing and practice my skills of presenting design work and basic object accurate to the viewers. Then I I tried drawing in perspective and vanishing point. This sketching methods best communicate what object look like from the view of our eyes. Two-point perspective drawing shows how an objects looks bigger when nearer and smaller when farer. I learned how to present the object in 3D not only by modelling them but can sketch 3D object in the space on 2D paper and shading them. My favorite material in this whole course is polymorph, it is a relatively hard object after cooling down and the colour turned white. This can be achieved to form most of the product which is used in daily life. Apart from shapes with angles, circle and curve shapes also often being used in design and it is important to know well how to sketch object in repetitive. I started with sketching primitive shapes with helplines such as cuboids or rectangle. With the further develop of this methods, I tried with drawing 20 cups and teapots in the same size but different forms fast and accurate. The last task in this course is about translating orthographic drawing to 3D object and turning it to real models. At first, my mind struggle to get each angle of the shape correct with three view from each side, but the I started with a box and cut out the part haven’t showed in the orthographic view. Parts left of the box become the shape I want. Therefore, I used the same methods in modelling which is cutting the useless part off from a box to achieve the outcome.

Plasticine Shapes—week10

Plasticine is a material like clay to me, it is wet, long time to dry and easy to form. I firstly formed it to a cuboids shape and cut out the edges on each surface in order to make it looks sharper. I used different colour in each shapes to distinguish them from one another. The next step is cutting out the useless part and made the form looks like the sketching in the previous page. After the modeling, I leave the object to dry and took photo of them from different angles and perspective.


Cup and tea pots—week9

This was a fun exercise, using same body of the cup but to sketch down 20 different shapes. By adding strange design with the handle to change the form of the cup, I was enjoyed to the process of watching every design comes out similar but totally different. This exercise made considered about how appearance might affect in a design and made me thought about so many design possibilities a n object could communicate with the audience.

In the second part of this ILA was about to design 20 teapot. Gaining some experience from sketching down cups, I stared to learned how this work. Changing from the mouth of the bottle to its body and the to the handle. Every part of a design could be design and every part of the appearance can be changed.

Related to the practice before this lecture which is about using helplines to drew shapes and sketches. The Iterative sketching, cups and teapots both formed by primitive shapes and shapes can be changed and combined to new shapes. I think this is the main theme of design work. This methods of drawing is relatively fast  and accurate, with the helpline controlling the basic side and height of an object, this methods is better to used when have lots of methods and outcome of the same object. Sketching them down in the same visual communication makes it easier to compare each design.


Then, I have been asked to take the jug variation that fits best with the cup and present them next to each other. Products that can be used together, such as blanket and pillow, table and chair, cup and teapot can be used as a serious of the product. Therefore, the appearance and designing style of them needs to match with each other. I picked from the 20 design to find out the most matching cup and teapot. I choose from searching similar handle, body shapes and the size. In my point of view, factors made two of the design become to a set.

Characters from a movie—week9

I chose the film Interstellar because I think there was not only about figures in that movie, there are spacecraft, robot, mechanics and human. Therefore I sketch down what I saw while I play the movie. My drawings do not has much detail but I tried to best and clearly show the outline of each sketch on the paper. It is good to practice rough and quick drawing skills from this ILA.


Landscape using grid method—week8

I firstly sketch down a hand drawing of the grid method. According to this experiment of this methods. I have found grids was important in design, because it helps to organize the space and the layout. Grids can help draw things in actual shape and shows the perspective of the object well. Step by step, I drew a landscape using different colour in each line to distinguish each space better and I shaped the bottom part in the end to help it looks 3D

Sketching with rounds and curves—week8

This ILA is all about drawing and practicing drawing skills and challenging myself. I firstly sketch circles on four A4 paper with the helpline of rectangle shape or cuboids. I learned to show different type of circle in and get myself familiar with this technique. I like sketching with this drawing methods because it is the best way for designers to draw in the most accurate way by freehand.

then I also explore this technique with some other drawings such as presenting surface like fabric or shapes like mountains using curves. This development helps with the further exercise later.

Drawing and shading—week7

This is a basic challenge, I used both hand drawing and digital methods in this ILA to compare and contrast the different of two methods.

Ellipses and primitives—week 7

with the help line, I sketch down several shapes and ellipse. I found cuboids as a basic shapes can used to draw so many other different shapes and also combination of several primitive shapes. In the sketches above, I used free hand to practice my drawing skills. Although some of the line still don’t goes strait, I started to get the correct shapes and outline.

During this exercise, saw how ellipse being draw quickly and accurately with the grid. And how the angles of the ellipse changed with the angle of the grids. In the part of turning it to 3D, I draw by freehand and digitally. Free hand drawing is a bit harder to control the straight lines and curves but looks more natural.