Improving polymorph object—week 7

In this ILA, focused on the group projects. I tends to redesign the polymorph product made by my colleagues and improved its functionality of the objects. The first design I have chooses from my group members is a product used for relaxing muscles and hands after a long time writing or drawing. Using the ergonomics design of its shapes, the form is suitable with the hands. Moreover, in the introduction of the design, it also use the properties of polymorph which is being cool when wears it on to the hands which makes users felt comfortable. In my perspective, considering about the clients might get board while wearing it and it is difficult to hold the phone with this product, therefore I developed another function to this design which is being a phone holder. With two hooks on each side of the phone, it can hold tightly.
The second product I have selected is a fake nail made design by my colleague, which was inspired by ancient Chinese women’s decoration from Tang’s dynasty. Considering what function can be added to these long nails, I thought about translating this decoration to nowadays decoration. Because of Halloween was coming recently, and I decided to dress up as a witch in the party. Therefore I change the function to the decoration for the witch with long white nails. Moreover, considering with the air permeability of the nail and making sure it can be wear for a long time. I use line to replace the cone shape in order to reduce the large area contact with the skin.

In the second part of this ILA,  we reverse the rule. My collages tends to redesigned mine object. The first design she chooses is a hook used to carry bags at the same time. This problem was found while I shopping by myself, I found it was hard for me to carry several bags at the same time and my hands felt hearts. Therefore, by designing the hook which can be wear on the fingers really reduce the pressure of the bags to my hands. Considering about the stability of this design connected with hands and making sure it wouldn’t rotated to different angles while wearing it. My collages redesign it by using a curve between the hooks make sure it is tightly when using it.

second object design by me is a pen holder,  it was used as writing or drawing. By forming the polymorph with fingers press to a shape which ergonomically fit with the pen. In this way, fingers won’t get hurt or injured with a long time using pen and pencil. With the developing and improving from my collages, she added a circle in the nib of pen or pencils which can correct the position of holding the pen.

Surface drawing—week 6

Shading 2D to 3D: Sphere in Bowl—week 6

Working with Polymorph—week 6

Polymorph was an interesting and convenient material which can be easily formed by hand. I tried to find problems and solved problems with polymorph in this ILA.

the first object I made is a pen holder, because I found my fingers hurts badly after I drew or write for a long time holding the hard pen. So I tried to solve this problem with polymorph. I firstly melted this material and stick on to the pencil I used to sketch, the I press the fingerprint on it and leave it till dry. This product is useful to me in the sketching ILA later on.

Then I made an object used to put chopsticks on during a meal. I found there was no place to put the chopsticks before I get eating at my apartment, and the chopsticks might get dirty if put it on the table. Therefore, forming a mountain shape small object with polymorph help with it.

this object is my favorite one because it is really useful while I went to the supermarket or go shopping. I sometimes really struggle with carrying too many bags in each hand which made my hands hurt. Therefore, with the help of this ring with a hook on it, can help to reduce the pressure to the hand and can carry more bags.

then I made an object which is used while I polishing my nails, my fingers kept moving and was not stable while doing it. With the help of this object, it can make my fingers steady and keep them apart.

the last one is made for the Halloween , I dressed up as a witches in the Halloween party. Therefore I made a white nail for myself to fit the whole outfit.

Short Reflection week—5

According to the study in the first five weeks, I have learned and experienced lots of different techniques and skills in 2D and 3D exercises. For example building composition with cardboard or plastics cuboids, which is an interesting ILA for me to see so many shapes can cuboids form to. What’s more, in the light basket exercise, I built a small basket with thin wire although I was a little bit struggling with cutting and bending. However, playing it with the light to get the shadow in lines has a lots of fun.

I also tried 2 point, 3 point and rotated plan drawings in order to practice my sketching skills. I felt more and more comfortable and skillful after the practice and drew confidently in the perspective drawings ILA. However, I found orthographic drawing somehow challenge to me with getting the right shape in the right angle.