Amber has introduced one of their design project for Edinburgh Gin to us. They chose the D-listed arch building as the site for designing Edinburgh Gin Center.

She mentioned that when working with the arch building, they preserve and expose the brick to celebrate it. Adding new construction to the old building is challenging, but modern industrial design goes very well with the industrial arches. Ambe said that it is perfectly fine being in the new design to an old building instead of forcing the design to look “old”. The point of using the old building is to bring in new life and for the building to serve a new purpose.

After the tutorial with Amber, I am more sure of my design style and direction.


  • Lighting plays a big part in establishing a certain atmosphere and mood.
  • A signage system can also help define a space and create consistency throughout the building.
  • In the design for Edinburgh Gin, the design team takes inspiration from the gin’s taste, color, and ingredients. They came up with a brilliant color palette and material choice.

Their design decision reflects the brand ethos and establishes functional spaces and exciting interior aesthetics.

  • The narrative is what Amber mentioned several times. As a designer, we should present the design as a storybook for our clients and users. How does each space connect coherently, and how do the aesthetics echo and differ from each other. I will focus more on the design coherence and circulation and clarify the function space of my design.
  • When it comes to material choice, always check the specification of the material, see if they are fire rated and if they can be used for your design setting, and so on. Do more research from the manufacturer and so on.