Sunlight and daylight are natural light. They are personal, emotional and site-specific. Different people have different feelings when they experience the same natural light condition, depending on people’s personal memories and their location.

Daylight and sunlight have different characteristics. Daylight is the combination of all direct and indirect sunlight during the daytime. Sunlight is all the electromagnetic given off by the sun, especially that in the visible spectrum that bathes the earth. 

Case Study:

(not finished yet)

Kielder Skyspace – James Turrell 2000

Why do we put natural light in work?

A transformation in the architectural design process should be stimulated redirecting attention to the context and the cultural spirit of place, as well as encouraging a sound understanding of the quality of natural light (Traverso,2015).

  1. Light, in all its subtle modulations, is exhilarating.
  2. It makes stuff vivid to us by the surfaces falls upon.
  3. Architectural designers use daylight to positively modify the experience of the inhabitant.
  4. A room is a different room every second of the day. Light can interact with the materiality and volume of space.
  5. Exposure to daylight is necessary for our health and wellbeing.
  6. As a designer, we should redirect our attention to what we already have. Instead of relying on artificial lighting, we need to think about how to harness this existing source and do our best to make it suit the space.

Lighting Experiment: Using Gnoman Chart to Trace the Sun


Site visit: St Albert The Great 


These seats are a bit gloomy than those ones at front although it has artificial light at left hand side and above.

Drawing light on black background

Drawing light on white



Extra Daylight Study Sources



This video shows variations in artificial light and daylight over a day and a year.


3D printed sundial field test

