Refining my Concept

For my final sample, I intended to create a personal lampshade design which preserves materials one finds beautiful. A membrane that holds memories, hobbies and art forms of flower pressing, paper-making and print. When the light is switched on all the layers and information creating the lampshade will be revealed. This sample does not just preserve objects but shows the recorded history that goes along with them. A collection of materials and memories being pulled together giving life and meaning to something that was.

Image showing development of final sample

Main Sample

I chose to combine one of my samples from project 2 with one of my development samples from project  3. I incorporated aspects from my previous development samples such as papier mâché, rose petals, fabric flowers, onion skin and onion mesh. These materials combined created a layered sample with a variation of exciting colours and textures and thickness.

Image showing Technical Specification of main sample

Final Sample over light source

The image above shows the main sample attached to a lamp. This shows the ‘membrane’ is flexible, can enclose objects and be attached to different surfaces.

Image showing close up of main sample over a light source

Digital illustration showing final sample taking the form of a rounded lampshade