

Song: “Rocky Mountain High”- John Denver

Rarely, if ever, intercedes with the human world. Allied with the clandestine “Bird Union”. Weapon: World-Basher. Similar to Hurb’s Planet-Spinner, but the Basher is more powerful and heavier (less agile). Many Feline enemies but mostly beyond the authority of even the judges because of his power, cunning, and unorthodox alliances. Ostracized when little because of his bright green coloration. Watcher of the woods. Information fed to him by birds, primarily. Cape fashioned from a Buffalo Hide: Francis did not kill the buffalo, but befriended it at the end of its life and the Buffalo gave him permission to skin him upon his death and wear his fur. Francis tends to stay away from Feline power-plays on Olympus, but is nonetheless suspected in several usurpations and entropizations. Reclusive and dignified, Francis resides on the border between the bayou/forest and the mountains. His house is small upon first appraisal, but it is built into the side of a mountain, so it is unclear how large it really is. Close to Camille. Contemporary of Pan. Drinks Bourbon and IPAs (Sip of Sunshine by Lawson’s Liquids).

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