Developing my layout more I wanted to explore the idea of designing my own nature additions like trees in my space where people could walk around or sit around and study or socialise, read books etc. I was looking at different options.

on the right- Wooden pieces with hanging trees mounted to them but I didn’t like the look of it and I didn’t think the space was used in the best way possible.

on the left- two glulam “trees” with tables around them for people to socialise in groups mainly and relax.

Here without hanging trees I thought it could be used for group of people and I wanted to add screens on walls displaying nature. I thought the wooden pieces wouldn’t work very well and could be an obstacle to see things on walls and also only few people would fit. Again I thought I could plan this space better to fit more people. I liked that one “tree” like installation though I thought it leaves me room for other design implications to make the space more functional. I have to keep experimenting with those shapes.