Roberto Vamos

These photographs are part of an on-going project that explores the shapes and forms in found in trees and other plants that have fascinated him since childhood. This project was born to give a new perspective on botany in general, but started with trees. I use the branching patterns, roots, bark, leaves, etc. to create abstract images that resemble other patterns found in nature and in the universe. When looking upward at branches, for example, one sees them twisting and turning, subdividing many times and getting thinner but more numerous towards the edges, much as fractal patterns do. Also, look at how these same patterns are similar to images of cells, neural structures and even the distribution of matter across the universe. They all seem to follow the same mathematical model, as if there is one mathematical description for everything in the universe. He decontextualize things in his images so that we can look at them in a different way.


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