

click through link ^ I would like the conductor to have more space, this film I believe would benefit from distance. I really enjoy Rachel’s precision of movement, currently I do not think that it sits in cohesion with the other digital performances, as with grand movement rather than shifts in posture being the focus, […]


Instrumental – zoom composition, costuming, recording – alone

thinking of either neutral pyjama type clothing, or formal concert wear, has the indoor/personal nature but alludes to performance, and considering composition. initially I thought full length would be best as it is less ‘zoom-like’, only time I see full length in zoom is for dance classes, but I think I might get a smarter […]



my work is not really short form enough to consider this as a final format, but I think it might be useful when creating an online presence for my performances. if I were to use it more formally i would remove the watermark Feb 11, 2021


green screen – site specificity

I am considering how I can get more aesthetic control when working with people remotely, I think I could curate zoom backgrounds. here I have used two sentimental performance venues to me, but I think it may work in a more ‘realistic’ / cohesive way to use curtains. I plan to try first with the […]


24 – conveyor belts of people

I am considering using historical imagery to support my visualisation of sites of social reproduction and how this creates a tension between sameness, collectivity, identity and social identity. I think etiquette, particularly queuing due to its reminiscence of a human conveyor belt, is a good demonstrator of social choreography, action that is predetermined and predetermining.  […]


Approaching Hybridised Sites

I tried using captions to further distinguish sites, I have decided that I don’t like this approach, but may consider some notation in the ‘programming’/score.   Would not be my first choice, but I am considering it an option for when my use of sites becomes hybrid, merging spatial and digital site.   Jan 31, […]