Creative Participation

Annie COOK

Annie is one of R-lab’s guest speakers that will be hosting a workshop on Wednesday 29th of April 2021.

Public Engagement for Scotland’s AI Strategy | Citizen Engagement & Deliberative Democracy Festival

Positive Energy


Annie is a filmmaker, director, theatre practitioner, workshop lead and actor.


8 years ago, Annie started directing stories through documentary. Annie has directed and produced promotional films, educational films, comedy sketches and films in between, some of which during the lockdown.  At the heart of Annie’s work and where her passion lies tends to be centred around people and their stories, she’s strongly interested in stories that pack a punch and could invoke positive societal change.

八年前,Annie开始以纪录片的形式导演故事拍摄。她指导了多部影像作品,其中包括宣传片、教育片、喜剧短片等等,其中的许多作品都拍摄于毅疫情封锁期间。Annie 创作的主要动力来源于她对于身边的人和发生在他们身上的故事抱有极大的兴趣,尤其是一些具有积极的社会变革意义的相关经历。

Just before the pandemic hit Annie was working in immersive theatre with Laugh and Let Die in Edinburgh, she has experience in various formats; presenting, film and theatre. Annie is also an experienced facilitator, facilitating participatory budgeting workshops and events, Scotland’s Citizen Assembly, Scotland’s Climate Assembly, First Ministers’ National Advisory Council for Women and Girls and Scotland’s AI Strategy workshops.

疫情爆发前,Annie 曾与其两位合作伙伴 Laugh 与 Let Die 在沉浸式剧院进行工作,这使她拥有应对各种艺术表演形式相关经验,如表演、电影、戏剧等。此外,她还是一位经验丰富的主持人,并曾主持多种参与性预算研讨会等其他相关活动,如苏格兰公民大会,苏格兰气候大会,首相部长全国妇女和女童咨询委员会,以及苏格兰AI战略研讨会等。


Contact Person: Isabel DIERINGER
Planner: Isabel DIERINGER
Text: Isabel DIERINGER
Translator: Jiaqi GAO
Proofreading: Calum BAIRD