Panel 1: Poetry, Art and Translation (9.30-10.15 am)
A panel discussion (chaired by Prof. Michelle Keown) with project poet/translator Dr Keao NeSmith, and project artist Solomon Enos, focused on their creative work for the ‘Remediating Stevenson’ project. Dr NeSmith has written a new poetry sequence that engages with Robert Louis Stevenson’s legacy in Hawai‘i, exploring the significance of Stevenson’s writing, and friendships with the Hawaiian royal family, for contemporary Hawaiian communities, and he is also translating creative and critical work from the ‘Remediating Stevenson’ project into Hawaiian. Solomon Enos is creating graphic adaptions of two Robert Louis Stevenson stories set in Hawai‘i: ‘The Bottle Imp’ and ‘The Isle of Voices’, and will reflect on his experience, as a Hawaiian artist, in engaging with Stevenson’s fictional representations of Pacific peoples.
Panel 2: Stevenson’s Pacific Fiction – Adapted and Adapting (10.45-11.30am)
Lucio De Capitani (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
‘Loving not wisely, but too well: Othello and “The Beach of Falesá”’
Robert Louis Stevenson’s engagement with Shakespeare is well-documented – testified, for instance, by several of his letters and by his use of Shakespearean names and settings. It remains, however, a relatively unexplored topic. In this paper, I argue that Stevenson’s The Beach of Falesá can be productively read as a Pacific rewriting of Othello. To do so, I take my cue from a number of passages from In The South Seas and Stevenson’s letters that explicitly or implicitly reference Shakespeare’s tragedy, also in direct relation with The Beach of Falesá and its concerns with realism. I then discuss the numerous ways in which Stevenson’s novella echoes – but also transfigures – elements of Othello’s plot, structure, themes and poetics. On the one hand, both works explore the predicament of an interracial couple (Othello/Desdemona; Wiltshire/Uma) that, after an ‘illicit’ wedding, is put to the test by a somehow inscrutable and self-interested deceiver (Iago/Case); and in both works such deceiver, posing as the male lead’s friend and as a reliable ‘cultural mediator’, employs a variety of racial and gender stereotypes, as well as the male lead’s racial anxieties, to manipulate him. On the other hand, ‘The Beach of Falesá’ introduces important variations, from changing the race of the two protagonists (as well as, of course, the setting) to the (relatively) happy result of their union and story. I discuss the significance of these continuities and variations, also focusing on various details that Stevenson might have borrowed from Othello (the story’s structure; the interpersonal and sensorial dynamics of some of its key scenes; the theme of jealousy). Finally, I will triangulate Othello and Falesá with another (overt) retelling of Shakespeare’s tragedy, Toni Morrison’s Desdemona, to consider the significance of Stevenson’s rewriting operation.
Simon Grennan (University of Chester)
‘Beyond domestication and foreignisation in a new graphic adaptation by Solomon Enos.’
Models of translation are sometimes used to describe significant transcultural media and transmedia relationships, such as those between the genres of anime, manga and the graphic novel. (Grennan 2017, Brienza 2016, Couch 2010).
However, the stability of translation concepts such as ‘domestication’ and ‘foreignisation’ (Venuti 1995) is largely challenged by post-colonial experience, in which hegemony, migration and hybridity adjudicate existing epistemes according to novel social and economic environments, beyond concepts of ‘home’ and ‘abroad, ‘subject’ and ‘other’ and their production in new relationships between media products, media users and production (Couldry and Hepp 2012).
This paper will consider other models of transcultural and inter-cultural media production, within post-colonial experience, such as deterritorialisation (Hepp 2009), ‘imagination’ models (Appadurai 1996), hybridity (Bhabha 1994) and co-dependence/socio-economic struggle (Shome 2012).
As a case study, it will exemplify a current project of Hawaiian visual artist and graphic novelist Solomon Enos, adapting Robert Louis Stevenson’s Hawai‘i-set short story ‘The Bottle Imp’ (1893) as a printed drawn narrative for Hawaiian, Samoan and Scottish readers under 14 years, according to methods and feelings Enos identifies in his own and young collaborators’ experiences of the anime productions of contemporaneous Japanese animated movie-maker Hayao Miyazaki.
Panel 3: Robert Louis Stevenson and the Environment (12 noon-12.45)
Carla Manfredi (University of Winnipeg)
‘Stevenson’s Weird Ecology’
This paper situates Stevenson’s representation of Pacific atoll environments within 19th century discourses on coral reefs. Roughly fifty years after Charles Darwin published his theory of coral reef formation in The structure and Distribution of coral reefs (1842), Stevenson reached the Tuamotu.
However, unlike Darwin’s geological approach, Stevenson’s interpretations of atolls reflected emerging late-century ecologic perspectives: the atoll is produced by the interactions between calcifying organisms and is thus biogenic. For Stevenson, the atoll was of a community that involved relationships between living organisms and spectral apparitions, the ghost of the dead, who haunted the beach at night and populated the daily lives of Islanders.
Alice Chapman-Kelly (University of Edinburgh)
‘Out of the desert and the bad bush’: Reclaiming the Woman/Nature Relationship in Two Remediations of ‘The Beach of Falesá’
The association between indigenous women and the natural world is an operational, load-bearing staple of colonial writing, where colonizing agents fantasize about symbolically conquering unknown territory by sexually conquering the gendered, racialized Other. While this rape culture metaphor can be found across imperial and neo-imperial contexts, it has been particularly acute in European discourses about the ‘island paradises’ of the South Pacific and the Polynesian pin-ups that white male colonizers have expected to find there. This imagery, whereby the woman of colour is made to embody the difference, danger, and seductions of the alien environment in white male retellings, is one Robert Louis Stevenson relies upon and plays with in his short story/novella ‘The Beach of Falesá’. In an extended sequence, the protagonist, Wiltshire, a white male trader, finds himself alone in the Samoan bush and worries that he will be set upon by the alluring ‘devil women’ of local legend, who emerge out of the wilderness to corrupt wayward travellers. That it is merely his wife, Uma, the young woman he tricked into sex earlier in the story, coming to rescue him, doesn’t stop those associations of ‘the bad bush’ – and its effects on the integrity of white manhood – from sticking to her exoticized body in Wiltshire’s focalization. This paper explores how two creative responses to ‘The Beach of Falesá’ trouble this colonial mechanism, whereby imperial-era literature reduces indigenous female characters to sexual symbols of the putatively forbidding ‘tropics’, by reclaiming Uma’s relationship to nature. Where Simon Grennan resituates Uma in his graphic novel adaptation Shadow Play as the central authority on the very ecologies Wiltshire so fears, Selina Tusitala Marsh makes ecofeminist Blackout poetry from Stevenson’s textual descriptions of monstrous Polynesian women. As this paper will show, both adaptors challenge this age-old colonial, misogynist trope by imagining an alternative vision of how an indigenous female character might relate to her environment.
Panel 4: Documentary Film – Tales of Tusitala (1.30-2.15pm)
A screening of the ‘Remediating Stevenson’ project’s documentary film, Tales of Tusitala, followed by a panel discussion (chaired by Dr Shari Sabeti) with project film-makers Dan Lin and Nick Stone (Hawai‘i), and Emma Dussouchaud-Esclamadon (University of Edinburgh). Lin and Stone will reflect upon their experience mentoring trainee film students from the National University of Sāmoa in the making of the film, which explores the significance, for contemporary Sāmoan communities, of Stevenson’s residency in Sāmoa during his final years. The film includes interviews (in both Sāmoan and English) with descendants of Sāmoan chiefs, as well as staff and residents at Vailima, who knew and worked with Stevenson. Emma Dussouchaud-Esclamadon, who is undertaking a PhD in Film Studies at the University of Edinburgh, will offer a response to the film, with reference to her expertise in Indigenous language education, preservation and revitalisation through documentary film-making practice.
Panel 5: The National Library of Scotland’s RLS collection and exhibition (2.45-3.30pm)
Dr Colin McIlroy, Curator of Modern Literary Archives at the National Library of Scotland, will offer a presentation focused on his involvement in curating the exhibition, ‘Tusitala: Pacific Perspectives on Robert Louis Stevenson’, which opened at the National Library of Scotland on 8th November 2024. The NLS is a project partner on the ‘Remediating Stevenson’ project, and the exhibition includes creative works from the ‘Remediating Stevenson’ project (including newly commissioned poetry sequences by Hawaiian and Sāmoan authors, and graphic adaptations of the three Pacific stories published in R.L. Stevenson’s 1893 volume Island Nights’ Entertainments) alongside items from the Library’s Robert Louis Stevenson archive. Dr McIlroy’s presentation will be followed by a conversation with Prof. Simon Grennan, artist and researcher from the ‘Remediating Stevenson’ project, whose graphic adaptation of Stevenson’s adventure narrative ‘The Beach of Falesá’ features both in the NLS exhibition, and a further project exhibit at the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford.