Mathew Williams

Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
School of GeoSciences
University of Edinburgh, Crew Bldg.
Edinburgh EH9 3JN, UK
Tel: +44 131 650 7776, Fax: +44 131 662 0478


Ph.D., School of Environmental Science, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 1994.
BA (hons.), Biology (Pure and Applied), University of Oxford, UK, 1989.

Research Interests

Operational ecological modelling, data assimilation, quantifying and reducing uncertainty, vegetation-atmosphere gas exchange, interactions of carbon, nutrient and hydrological cycles, primary productivity and plant allocation, ecosystem models and scaling, climate controls on vegetation distribution.

Awards and Prizes

Royal Society-Wolfson Merit Award, 2015.

Professional Experience

School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK. 

    • Head of Global Change Research Institute, 2015-2018
    • Chair of Global Change Ecology, 2010-
    • Reader in Global Change Ecology, 2007-10
    • Senior Lecturer, 2005-7
    • Lecturer, 2000-2005

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA

    • Visiting Scientist, 2012-13

The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA 

    • Assistant Scientist, 1997-2000
    • Research Associate, 1996-1997
    • Post-doctoral Research Associate, 1994-1996

Professional Service

Member, NERC Science Board, 2016-2020.

Member, International Science Advisory Committee, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, 2016-.

Associate Editor, Biogeosciences, 2013-2016.

Member, NERC Arctic Programme Advisory Group, 2009-10.

Member, Mission Advisory Group, BIOMASS, European Space Agency, Phase A, 2008-2013.

Member, Mission Advisory Group, BIOMASS, European Space Agency, Phase B, 2013-present.

Member, Scientific Steering Committee: Analysis, Integration and Modeling of the Earth System (AIMES), an International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme core project (2005-2012)

Member, UK National Committee of the IGBP (2008-12)

Data assimilation theme leader for JULES and member of the JULES Science Management committee, 2009-2013

Biogeochemistry theme leader for JULES and member of the JULES Science Management committee, 2013-2017

Editorial Review Board: Tree Physiology (2000-2005)

Proposal review panels: NSF Carbon Cycle Science (2002); NASA Carbon Cycle Science (2001); NASA Graduate Fellowship Panel (2000).

Member, US DOE NGEE Panel (2011).

Member, NERC Peer Review College (2009-12).

Proposal reviews for funding agencies: U.S National Science Foundation – Office of Polar Programs; National Science Foundation – Ecosystems; NASA-Terrestrial Ecology; UK NERC.

Manuscript reviews for refereed journals: Nature, Science, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Water Resources Research, Journal of Ecology, Ecosystems, Global Change Biology, Ecological Modelling, American Naturalist, Ecological Applications, Plant Cell and Environment, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Tree Physiology, Annals of Botany.