Peer Support

To enable peer-support, you are all members of a Basho. When we meet as a class you will always work with members of your Basho.


For some classes, members of your Basho will bring what they have each learned to your Basho to form a jigsaw classroom.


If you are asked to prep for meeting with your Basho then it’s vital that you do so otherwise you will impede not only your own progress, but that of your peer-group.


If you want to work outside of the times when you meet in your Basho on Tuesdays, you can meet in person or host collaborative online sessions in your MS Teams Channel. Either will enable you to collectively discuss what you have found out individually.


You can make use of some of the collaborative tools we will learn too: e.g. Miro will be very useful for designing your BarCamp contribution.


To ensure that such platforms are available for all to participate, you must make sure you communicate via your Basho’s MS Teams Channel (do not use social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook or WeChat).


You can do this at any time that suits you as a Basho.


It’s a good idea to keep these sessions short; try to sort out what you want to discuss in advance then simply host a short stand-up meeting.