Week 5 | Portfolio Work & Peer Reviewing | Open Learning

Updating your Portfolio Posts

In Week 5 you will have some more time to develop and polish the posts you have already made in your Portfolio. In particular, you should focus on the feedback you have on the posts you made at the end of Week 2.

Your Portfolio is an ongoing account of your learning that documents and clearly presents how you approached each of the first two Learning Sprints.

Your Portfolio should also demonstrate further engagement with at least one of the two themes that you have explored so far.

On Thursday this week you must complete (‘turn-in’) your Portfolio work for peer review.

Portfolio Peer Reviews – Thursday and Friday of Week 5

Peer review – as a form of online swarming – will take place in Week 5.

Peer review is a mandatory assignment for this course. See: https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/macat/openlearninghandbook/assessment/

You will be writing four peer reviews in total before the end of Week 5.

The optimium time to complete your Peer Reviewing is on Thursday and Friday of Week 5.

What does this involve?

Sprint 1:

Pick two Portfolios

Read the posts made at the end of Sprint 1 only

Leave constructive feedback in the comments of both Portfolios.

Post your feedback under the last post for Sprint 1 only

Sprint 2:

Pick two different Portfolios

Read the posts made at the end of Sprint 2 only

Leave constructive feedback in the comments of both Portfolios.

Post your feedback under the last post for Sprint 2 only


Q. Which Portfolios should I leave feedback on?

A. You can feedback on any of the Portfolios in this list (link).  The recipients of your feedback do not have to be in your own Basho. You may choose to respond to the posts that you find are of most interest to you.

Q. Can I just leave feedback for one, two or three CATs?

A. No, you need to leave feedback for four different CATs.

Q. How do I access the CATs’ Portfolios?

A. Please follow this link and read the instructions.

Q. How long do I have to do this?

A. Please complete this before the start of Week 6.

Q. What should I do to demonstrate that I have completed the Peer Review?

A. Create a short post in your own Portfolio stating which CATs you left comments for. You can post the URLs to their blogs if you wish.

What else might you do in Week 5?

Mid-sessional Group Work Module on The Educational Turn

If you wish to, this week you may meet in your Basho to complete a short learning module that returns to the Pre-Sprint set-text on The Educational Turn.

Please follow this link to take you to the learning module:

Educational Turn Redux (link)