Collaborative Inquiry
This course re-models an established research method called ‘Collaborative Inquiry‘ (Heron 1985;1996).
As a group, your Basho will adapt the Collaborative Inquiry model to your own ends.
As part of a unique cohort, you will form a community of practice that establishes and completes a programme of propositional, practical, experiential and presentational collaborative inquiry.
The process of collaborative inquiry may be integrated around any research method or theme that you can agree to focus on. This will be a composite of your personal learning projects.
In a Collaborative inquiry, you will pool your learning resources (established over the first few weeks of this course) and continue to pool your research as you work towards the Art & Open BarCamp.
It is important to share learning resources that you encounter as much as possible. Share with your Basho (where relevant) and share with the course (where relevant). Pooling and sharing such resources helps to support Collaborative Inquiry.
Further reading:
John Heron, The role of reflection in co-operative inquiry Published in D. Boud, R. Keogh and D.Walker (eds) Reflection: Turning Experience into Learning, London, Kogan Page, 1985, pp 128-138.
John Heron, Co-operative Inquiry: Research into the Human Condition, London, Sage Publications, 1996.
Boud, D., et al. (2001). Peer learning in higher education : Learning from & with each other. London, London : Kogan Page.